I have a ls1021a stand alone chip and type C male connector connects to the CPU, I want to plug this device into PC so my board can act like a device mode. What specifications I need to follow to make it work as device mode?
For example, is USB_ID pin from the CPU side I need to leave it as floating ?
Below is my design:
can anyone tells me what is wrong here?
Please refer to the LS1028ARDB schematics page "28_LS10128 USB - TypeA & C" available at:
LS1028ARDB Development Board with high-speed interfaces and integrated TSN for Industrial IoT | NXP
I know this document, my question is are type C and type A are handled differently?
Because in the page 28
USB1 (type A) and USB2 (type B) are designed differently.
If I use the type C design, can I plug into a Type A host using an USB adapter (Type C to Type A)
The connection schematics is incorrect in your case.
Please refer to the LS1028ARDB schematics page "28_LS10128 USB - TypeA & C" available at:
LS1028ARDB Development Board with high-speed interfaces and integrated TSN for Industrial IoT | NXP
sorry you replied too fast as I edit my post which part is wrong can you please highlight it ?
Do you see that LS1028ARDB schematics page "28_LS10128 USB - TypeA & C" is not similar to yours?
I know it has both type A port and type C port but if I only have type C port and I want to plug into both type A host or type C host what is your recommendations ?
We do not have such reference designs.
ok let's focus on type C, I dont have CPLD in my case,
I have two scenarios.
(1) I removed the PTN5150A and there gonna be no CC1 and CC2, what pin strapping do I need for the USB_ID ? floating or pulled-up?
(2)I keep the PTN5150A what pin strapping do I need to for the USB_ID, CON_DET AND CC1 and CC2 to work as device mode ?
CPLD is not involved in the USB type C connection.
USB2_ID and USB2_BUFF_CON_DET are just shown in the USB_STAT register.
It is required to use PTN36043 and PTN5150A for the type C implementation.
(1) what does this mean "
USB2_ID and USB2_BUFF_CON_DET are just shown in the USB_STAT register."
(2) If CPLD is not involved, what signals should I consider to handle the USB detection event( e.g. DRVVBUS should I make this as GPIO in the RCW so I can control it, if so how to control it ?, PWRFAULT do I need to consider this signal as well? if so how) because I found this thread answered by you
1) Refer to the QorIQ LS1028A Reference Design Board Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 3.19 USB Control (USB_STAT).
2) Please refer to the AN4878 - QorIQ LS1021A Design Checklist.
(1) How to read and write to this register? How to access this ?
(2) that is for 3.0 not type C
1) Do you have LS1028ARDB?
no I dont, I only have ls1021a-TWR which I modified to device mode and it works
The LS1021A-TWR has similar CPLD having memory-mapped registers accessed by means of IFC controller.