I am trying to run secure boot on LS1043A processor board, however I am not able to see any output in the console after flashing secure pbl and uboot image and using ccs wrote SRKH and OTPMK into fuses.
Then with ccs, I read the SCRATCHRW2 value, and getting error code 0x00000101.
(bin) 23 % ccs::display_mem 32 0x1ee0204 4 0 4
+0 +4 +8 +C
[0x01EE0204] 00000101 00000000 00000000 00000000
I do see the boot holdoff working, and confirmed all registers, etc.
Could you please help here?
see my reply at:https://community.nxp.com/t5/Layerscape/Issue-with-secure-boot-on-ls1043ardb-blank-screen/m-p/179045...