Content originally posted in LPCWare by venkateshkuppan on Thu Mar 21 01:33:02 MST 2013
I am trying to write a program to calculate the exponential of a number using ARM-C inter-working. I am using LPC1769(cortex m3) for debuuging.
The following is the code:
/*here is the main.c file*/
extern int Start (void);
extern int Exponentiatecore(int *m,int *n);
void print(int i);
int Exponentiate(int *m,int *n);
int main()
return 0;
int Exponentiate(int *m,int *n)
if (*n==0)
return 1;
int result;
return (result);
void print(int i)
this is the assembly code which complements the above C code
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m3
.global Start
.global Exponentiatecore
mov r10,lr
ldr r0,=label1
ldr r1,=label2
bl Exponentiate
bl print
mov lr,r10
mov pc,lr
Exponentiatecore: // r0-&m, r1-&n
ldr r4,[r0]
ldr r2,[r1]
mul r4,r4
sub r2,#1
bne loop
mov r0,r4
mov pc,lr
.word 0x02
.word 0x03
however during the debug session, I encounter a Hardfault error for the execution of "Exponentiatecore(m,n)".
as seen in debug window.
Name : HardFault_Handler
Details:{void (void)} 0x21c <HardFault_Handler>
Default:{void (void)} 0x21c <HardFault_Handler>
Decimal:<error reading variable>
Hex:<error reading variable>
Binary:<error reading variable>
Octal:<error reading variable>
Am I making some stack corruption during alignment or is there a mistake in my interpretation? please kindly help. thankyou in advance