Programming failed

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Programming failed

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Wed Jun 30 17:06:34 MST 2010

I have a problem, i cannot program flash memory
I can debug though
As the "LPCXpresso Getting Started .pdf" says i only have to debugging and
"the program will automatically download to the target and be programmed into flash memory"

Here is exactly what happens(all happens for blinking project haven't tried something else)
I plug my board (LPCXpresso1343) and it starts blinking
I build and still blinking without any pause
I debug and it stops blinking
Then i have to unplug and plug again in order to see the blinking again

If i try to program with the button icon then after programming flash it won't even debug(no blinking too) and i have to unplug/plug again
It shows
Error launching debug\blinking.axf
03:failed on chip setup:Ec(01). Invalid, mismatched or unknown part

I can only hear the noise(windows make after a USB device is connected) only after i push debug
(in my opinion it seems that USB port can be used as power supply only but i though it may help you)

Please don't tell me i cannot use my board cause i have a deadline to catch
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20 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Fri Jul 02 07:11:28 MST 2010
Yes i let default settings so it should have been installed
Why does this happen only to me??(newest version)

But the error is shown only at the program button
not debugging
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Fri Jul 02 06:17:01 MST 2010
The error is benign and is caused because there is a device driver missing for Red Probe (when you start debugging we search for LPC-Link and Red Probe/RDB1768 targets to connect to).

When installing, did you allow all of the device drivers to install?

The fact that this version worked, tells me that I know what is causing the error, and we will fix in the next release.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Fri Jul 02 06:11:20 MST 2010
The previous release seems to work but i get a new error this time
Every time i push the "program flash" button it shows the below
After i hit ok i can program my board though
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Fri Jul 02 04:28:11 MST 2010
There is now an FTP link to the previous release on the download page.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 15:49:47 MST 2010
But i told you i cannot download it
When it reaches 100% it stacks and shows corrupted file
You gave me the same link i was referring

I tried it with another PC and i cannot download it from that PC too
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 01 14:55:06 MST 2010
I already told you that reinstalling will make no difference.

I provided a download link to the previous version in an earlier post. It is also available on the download page of the code red lpcxpresso website.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 13:00:12 MST 2010
I just tried latest version with  another PC and the some problem!!!
So the problem is my damn board...

The only thing i can do now is the previous version
Inform me if there is/isn't another link
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 11:44:23 MST 2010
As i already said


Like i can download the oldest version...

The some was for newest version and i downloaded it via FTP
Is there anywhere else i can download it?

So i am stuck with the newest version only, unless there is another link
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 01 08:22:34 MST 2010
Uninstalling and reinstalling the same version will make no difference. I asked you to try the old version because I have a feeling it will work. If it does, that may help us track down the issue. Please try it.

You can download the previous version from here:
You will need to login to the site to be able to download.

We do not make the LPCXpresso boards, but I know they are very thoroughly tested before they leave the factory.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 07:33:55 MST 2010
CodeRedSupport is there in chance we can "meet" (in msn for example) any time you want to check my settings??

Since it lets me program it once it might be some setting

Is there any chance the board came faulty?
Do you try them before shipping?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 06:18:44 MST 2010
Like i can download the oldest version...

The some was for newest version and i downloaded it via FTP
Is there anywhere else i can download it?

Why should another version fix my problem?
At first it programs my board then it halts. As i said earlier i can program it but only once after that if i try it shows the error. After plug/unplug i can see the loaded program

Just in case, i made a refresh
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 01 05:36:23 MST 2010
If you are in a hurry, can you try installing the previous version of LPCXpresso (v3.3.4).
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 04:45:54 MST 2010
Mate don't tell me such a thing now
I am in a hurry !

My chip is exactly as yours
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 01 04:22:18 MST 2010
We have searched the documentation and can't find anything with a part ID of  0x3000002B, so we need to investigate further.

Can you tell me what the all the markings are on the top of the LPC1343 chip? For example, mine says:

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 03:44:01 MST 2010


Invalid LPC1343 Part ID: 0x3000002B
Known LPC1343 ID(s): 0x3D00002B
03: Failed on chip setup: Ec(01). Invalid, mismatched, or unknown part

And i do have the LPC1343F target
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 01 03:23:00 MST 2010
Can you post the full text of the error message that you see in the MCU Debug log console (typically bottom middle of the LPCXpresso IDE window). For example if I try to download an LPC1114 project to an LPC1343 board I get...

Invalid LPC1114/301 Part ID: 0x3D00002B
Known LPC1114/301 ID(s): 0x0444102B
03: Failed on chip setup: Ec(01). Invalid, mismatched, or unknown part

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 03:09:32 MST 2010
Made some progress
I can use the "program flash" button but when i program it, it freezes
After i unplug/plug it i can see the new code
Is it how it should be?
And after i program it this way i still have the error i wrote
And with the build button i still cannot program
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 02:57:14 MST 2010
As i thought new installation did nothing
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by sojiro on Thu Jul 01 02:41:10 MST 2010
The thing is that it doesn't do what you say

What you have said is true, i know that but the board won't cooperate
I have checked if it is the target correct and it is correct

Flash button still won't work
Build button still won't upload code(just checked systick from file LPC13xx

I will unistall and reinstall and see
If you have any suggestions please do
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Wed Jun 30 22:59:09 MST 2010
A lot of questions/misunderstanding here. Let me try and explain.

The LPCXpresso board is powered AND debugged via the USB port.

When you first plugin your LPCXpresso board, it will appear in the Device Manager as a "USB Device with DFU Capabilities".

When you build an application and press the Quickstart panels "Debug" button the first time, it will "boot" the LPC-Link portion of the LPCXpresso board with an image that allows it to act as a debugger. You will see this happening with a splash screen saying "Initializing LPC-Link". The LPCXpresso board will now appear in Device Manager as an LPC-Link (or possibly a HID device). You will hear Windows make it's "new device" noise.

Now, the IDE will go on and load your application into the target processor. It will stop whatever is running and download the new image to flash. It will set a breakpoint on the first instruction within main(). You are now debugging, meaning you can examine memory, registers, peripherals, local variable etc. You can also set breakpoints, single step etc. You are in control and you can do what you want.

The "Program Flash" button will just download your application to the Flash on the board. It will not allow you to debug.

The Target setting for your project *must* match the actual target you are trying to debug, If your project is set for an LPC1114 and you try to connect to any other sort of target, you will get the "03:failed on chip setup:Ec(01). Invalid, mismatched or unknown part" error.

You can see the Target setting of your application by looking in the status line in the bottom right corner of the IDE. For example, it will show "NXP LPC1343" for the blinky project from the LPC1343 examples.

Give your description I would suggest that your LPCXpresso board  does not match the projects/examples that you are trying to load. For example you may have an LPC1343 board, but are trying to load the examples from the LPC1114 (or vice-versa). Please check.

The board is programmed with the blinky application when shipped. If you are choosing to download the blinky application, you will not see any difference.Try a different application, such as the "twinkle" example. This will still flash the LED but at a variable rate.

Hope that Helps,
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