What commands are supported in Redlink Server?

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What commands are supported in Redlink Server?

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The scripts in Redlink server are interpreted by a simplified, but extended, version of the BASIC programming language.

The following is a list of the commands and statements supported by the BASIC interpreter:

Generic BASIC like functions that only work inside scripts

GOTO 'LineNumber' 
IF 'relation' THEN 'statement' 
REPEAT : Start of a repeat block 
UNTIL 'relation' : End with condition of repeat block 
BREAKREPEATTO 'LineNumber' : Premature end of a repeat loop 
GOSUB 'LineNumber' 
TIME : Returns a 10ms incrementing count from the host 

Generic BASIC like functions

PEEK8{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 
PEEK16{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 
PEEK32{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 
POKE8{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 'Data' 
POKE16{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 'Data' 
POKE32{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 'Data' 
QPOKE32{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' 'Data' 
QSTARTTRANSFERS{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
MEMSAVE{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'FileName' 'Byte StartAddress' 'Length in Bytes' 
MEMLOAD{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Byte StartAddress' 'LengthLimit in Bytes' 
MEMDUMP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Byte StartAddress' 'Length in Bytes' 
EXIT: Exit the server 
LIST: Lists the script 
NEW: Erases script from memory 
RENUMBER: Renumbers in increments of 10 
LOAD 'FILENAME': Loads a script from current directory 
SAVE 'FILENAME': Saves a script to current directory 

Probe related functions

PROBELIST : Creates and then returns an indexed list of the probes attached 
PROBENUM : Returns the number of probes attached 
PROBEOPENBYINDEX 'ProbeIndex' : Returns a unique probe handle 
PROBECLOSE 'ProbeHandle' 
PROBECLOSEBYINDEX 'ProbeIndex' : Returns an error code 
PROBETIME 'ProbeIndex' : Returns time from firmware in the probe 
PROBESTATUS : Returns an indexed list summary of the status of the probes connected to the system 
PROBEVERSION 'ProbeIndex': Returns version information about probe firmware 
PROBEDIAGNOSTICS 'ProbeIndex' : Return counts of responses from probe 

Core/TAP related functions

CORELIST 'ProbeIndex': Returns list of TAPs/Cores found connected to specified probe 
CORECONFIG{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex']}: Configures the scanchain 
COREREADID 'ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex'

Wire related functions

WIRESWDCONNECT{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex']}: Returns the DPID 
WIREJTAGCONNECT{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex']}: 
WIRETIMEDRESET 'ProbeIndex' 'TimeIn_ms': pulls reset and returns the end state of the wire 
WIREHOLDRESET 'ProbeIndex' 'State' : pulls reset and returns the end state of the wire 
WIRESTATUS 'ProbeIndex' : Returns the status of the wire connection on the probe specified 
WIRESETSPEED 'ProbeIndex' 'SpeedInHz': Requests a particular wire speed 
WIREGETSPEED 'ProbeIndex' : Returns the current wire speed 
WIRESETIDLECYCLES 'ProbeIndex' 'Cycles': Requests a specific number of idle cycles between debug
WIREGETIDLECYCLES 'ProbeIndex' : Returns the current number of debug idle cycles WIREISCONNECTED 
SELECTPROBECORE 'ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex' : sets up for use with following commands 
THIS : displays the current Probe, Core pair

Cortex-M related functions

CMINITAPDP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']}: Initialize a CMx core ready for debug 
CMWRITEDP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'REG' 'DATA': returns zero on success 
CMWRITEAP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'REG' 'DATA': returns zero on success 
CMREADDP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'REG': returns data 
CMREADAP{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'REG': returns data (note this deals with RDBUF 
on AP reads) 
CMCLEARERRORS{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
CMHALT{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
CMRUN{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
CMREGS{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
CMWRITEREG{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'RegNumber' 'Value' 
CMREADREG{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'RegNumber' 
CMWATCHLIST{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 
CMWATCHSET{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'DWTIndex' 'Address' ['[RW]|R|W'] 
CMWATCHCLEAR{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'DWTIndex' 
CMBREAKLIST{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} : List the hardware breakpoints 
CMBREAKSET{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} 'Address' : Set an FPB 
CMBREAKCLEAR{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} ['Address'] : Clear an FPB 
CMSYSRESETREQ{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} : System reset request 
CMVECTRESETREQ{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} : Core reset request 
CMRESETVECTORCATCHSET{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} : Enable reset vector catch 
CMRESETVECTORCATCHCLEAR{[THIS] | ['ProbeIndex' 'CoreIndex']} : Disable reset vector catch
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