emwin demo project for Embedded Artist LPC1788, Code Red LPCXpresso and FlashMagic

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emwin demo project for Embedded Artist LPC1788, Code Red LPCXpresso and FlashMagic

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by chikli on Mon Apr 09 14:05:23 MST 2012

I am a novice in embedded software development. I purchased the LPC1788 Developer's toolkit from Embedded Artists. I downloaded the LPCXpresso software v4.2 from Code Red. I also downloaded the emWin graphics library from LPCware. Lastly I downloaded the FlashMagic software. I am totally confused as to how to use the emWin library. Can someone please point me towards a tutorial or instructions where I can create a simple "Hello World" project using the LPCXpresso compiler and the emWin graphics library which can then be loaded to the LPC1788 hardware?

Embedded Artists provides many examples but they do not use the emWIn library.

Thank you.
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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by drs on Tue Apr 10 21:26:43 MST 2012
There are two methods I would suggest. First is to copy the I2C display configuration code and LCD config code from the first BSP(emWin 5.12 BSP for Embedded Artist's EA1788 board and the 3.2", 4.3"and 7" LCDs - Keil uVision 4, Crossworks for ARM 2.1, Visual Studio 2010) over to the third BSP(emWin 5.12 BSP for Embedded Artist's EA1788 board and the 3.2", 4.3"and 7" LCDs - Keil uVision 4, Crossworks for ARM 2.1, Visual Studio 2010)

Second would be to attempt to create a LPCXpresso project file for the first BSP. A shortcut for this would be to simply copy the .cproject and .project files from the third to the first BSP. However be aware, there are some fundamental differences in the directory structure of these two that you will need to address, mostly by adding new include paths.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by chikli on Tue Apr 10 13:59:32 MST 2012
Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.

I downloaded the emwin ZIP package for LPCXpresso from

and it successfully compiles. I also downloaded the hex file using Flashmagic. However nothing shows up on the LCD screen. Is the demo application compatible with a 4.3" LCD (480 by 272 pixel) or do I have to make changes somewhere in the code? Any other suggestions how to get emWIn working using LPCXpresso with a Embedded Artists 1788 board and a 4.3" LCD?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by drs on Tue Apr 10 00:00:32 MST 2012
Before attempting a hello world project I suggest you get the example on lpcware.com working. This is the real hello world for this setup.

Once that is working replace the code in the main() function in main.c with the hello world defined in section 4.8 of the emWin users manual. Rebuild and run.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lien.Nguyen on Mon Apr 09 19:12:08 MST 2012
I found this link on lpcware.com. Pls try to use it.

Best Regards,
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