Content originally posted in LPCWare by wlamers on Fri Jun 13 01:25:26 MST 2014
Is the USB ROM stack code for the LPC43xx family available somewhere? I cannot find it. The documentation is way to minimal to understand what is going on exactly.
I have posted another topic in the USB section (USB ROM API bulk OUT endpoint problem), which is related to this one. I am trying to solve the issue by writing the dQH (queue head) and dTD (transfer descriptors) myself, hoping this will work. Although I was assuming that the ROM API function USBD_API->hw->ReadReqEP and alike where priming the endpoints and setting up the queue head and transfer descriptors. But now I am not sure if this is actually the case and more important how it is done exactly. I hope someone can help me out with this.
Also I think NXP isn't doing well keeping the documentation of the ROM stack so minimal. After all I thought the whole idea behind it is to simplify USB integration (and reduce flash memory consumption). This is a great idea obviously. But then we need to know what is going on in the ROM stack.
--- EDIT ---
Maybe good to know: I am writing a custom USB class here, so the CDC, MSC classes etc are of no use.