Problem with flash programming

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Problem with flash programming

Contributor I


I have a problem with my LPC4370 device. Few days ago I changed my old computer where I was using the 10.2.0 version of MCUxpresso, so I had to reinstall everything in the new one. I copied and pasted my old project, drivers and configurations and I tried to flash program a NXP LPC4370 like I have always done by using my LPC-Link 2. The flash programming works fine with no errors and during the debug everything is perfect. Instead, when I turn off the device and power on again, it seems like the flash was never done and the device behaves like it was never programmed. This doesn't happen with my old PC. 

For sure there is some configuration to be set, but I can't figure out what do I have to touch. I tried to change the settings of the .launch files and of the GUI flash tool but nothing worked. What should I do? 

Note: my old pc still uses Windows 7, while the new one has Windows 10.

Thanks in advance for your availability!

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Matteo,

Regarding your question,  as you know that the LPC4370 does not have on-chip flash, only has on-chip SRAM, so the code has to be put in on-board SPIFI flash, so you have to set up the boot mode so that the LPC4370 can run from SPIFI flash.

I have LPC-link2 board as my target board, after I download LED blinky application code to the spifi flash, after I close JP1, the SPIFI bootmode is SPIFI (0b0001), power off/on, the LED is toggling.

Do you use LPC-Link2 as target board or the target board you design yourself?

Hope it can help you


XiangJun Rong




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Contributor I


thank you for your reply!

Today I managed to solve the problem. As I supposed, it was a configuration problem. In the properties of the project, in "C/C++ build" section, the selected and active configuration was "Debug" instead of "Release". Now everything works fine.

Answering your question, the target board is LPC-Link 2. The boot mode was already selected and the jumper JP1 was not concerning the issue (I have no jumper on my board).

Thank you again for your kindness!

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