LPCxpresso54628 program

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LPCxpresso54628 program

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Contributor II


I am using LPCxpresso54628 development board. I have tested the example programs and are working fine.

I face difficulty to write my own program in accessing registers. I don't know how to access each bit of a register. I am using LPC54628.h header file which i got with xpresso sdk package. I need an led toggle program. Suggest me if some other header files is available.

Can any one help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello padma priya ,

Please refer to the gpio_led_output demo under SDK.

There is gpio drivers you can use to control GPIO( for example GPIO_PortSet(), GPIO_PortClear(),GPIO_PortToggle() and so on. )

If you want to directly config registers, you can refer to the drivers, for example, config the " GPIO port toggle registers":


Hope it helps,

Have a great day,


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