LPC804 Unable To Flash after initial Flashing

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LPC804 Unable To Flash after initial Flashing

Contributor I

Hi there,

I am having issues with my LPC804 (LPC80X ), whenever I initially flash the chip. The chip is no longer able to be detected by the debugger and is unable to be flashed. I have tried on both my custom board and the Development Board Section of the MCU-Link Pro and both have had the same outcome. When programming both with sample files they both worked prior to me programming my custom firmware, hence I am certain it is a software setup issue. From looking at the data sheets and such I believe it might be in the inital bootloader startup that is the issue, as I have removed the system_init(); function and system_lpc804 file from the build with the reset handler branching straight to main. Other than this I am unable to see what could be causing this issue and need some assistance.

My reset handler looks like this:



/* Reset Handler */

    .align 2
    .weak    Reset_Handler
    .type    Reset_Handler, %function

    ldr   r0,=__main
    bx    r0

    .size Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @TAG 

Recommend program a simple SDK demo with Development Board. For example LED.

If you still have question about it, please kindly let me know.



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