LPC55S36 - USB umount not recognized

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LPC55S36 - USB umount not recognized

Contributor III

Hi everyone!

I am working on a project based on LPC55S36 board. I am using LPCXpresso55S36 EVK, with MCUXpresso IDE on Windows 10.

The goal of my project is to port TinyUSB stack in LPC55S36. Actually, I already got TinyUSB building for LPC55S36 and I also developed an application firmware that tests USB communication. Everything works well except for the fact that LPC55S36 doesn't recognize when it is disconnected from the host.

TinyUSB uses mcu-sdk and for usb management the driver used is DCD LPC IP3511.

I decided to check if TinyUSB is responsible for the issue, so I imported a USB SDK Example and the issue persists. So, it seems like the problem isn't part of TinyUSB.

I would like to know if you can reproduce and verify this issue, and in consequence try to solve this issue.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance!!






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7 返答(返信)

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

HI martingcavallo 

TinyUSB stack is open source USB stack. Because it's not NXP SW, NXP can't provide support for it.

No problem to leave your question here in case other users have experience with it.

All NXP USB demo codes are included in MCUXpresso SDK. If you have problem with running those code, welcome contact us, we will check.


Jun Zhang

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Hi Jun!


Thanks for your response. 


Perhaps I was not clear, but at the end of my first message, I wrote that I uses an USB SDK Example and the issue was also present. I imported the example calles dev_hid_generic_bm and the issue was present too.


Just an NXP SDK Example and the issue was present. So it is related with NXP SDK. Do you understand?? 


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi martingcavallo 

Regarding to  dev_hid_generic_bm, the PC testing tool is based on Wimar’s USB HID Component for C#.

To run this demo, we must follow the steps in readme file. you need to revise Sniffer.cs file.

For detail, see attached.


Jun Zhang

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Hi Jun,


A colleague of mine that is working with me on this project already tested this example using the C# application when the project started. My colleague deployed the example to the lpcxpresso55s36 board and she got the same behavior regarding communication. That example works fine with the C# application, but that example doesn't involve the problem that I am reporting here. 


I deployed a faster test that uses the onboard led. I added a code line so the led turns on when the board is plugged into the computer. Then I added a few code lines to turn the led off, where I understood that the device should recognize that was umounted. However, the led keeps turned on beside it was umounted.


Let me clarify that the device recognize that it was connected to the host and communication flow works fine. The problem is only when the device is unplugged. It desn't recognize the umount action.


In addition, to put you in context, we aren't hobbists. Our company name is Focus, and we are working on this project to a customer in the USA. Therefore, it is important to us to solve this issue.


Finally, could you check using also the onboard led if the board detects when it is umounted???


Keep in touch!



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

The problem is that we can't reproduce your problem with our SDK demo. Please let me the steps of how to reproduce your issue on our side, thus we can check it further.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Hi Zhang,

Thanks for your reply and sorry for my delay.


We decided to go ahead besides the issue is still present. The issue doesn't block our work so we keep working. For that reason, I couldn't reply early.


I will try to respond with your requested information soon. What I didn't specify was the board version. Attached is a picture that shows the bottom silkscreen where you can read the board version.

Can you tell me what board version you used?




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi martingcavallo 

My board version is the same as yours.


Jun Zhang

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