Content originally posted in LPCWare by MikeSimmonds on Sun Sep 21 09:50:34 MST 2014
We are programming an Actel (now Microsemi) device (A3P250) from an LPC1778, but the principle is exactly the same.
You will need to bit-bang some port pins (4 -- or optionally 5 -- in number), just make sure that you have the proper pull ups etc.
On the Microsemi site search for "DirectC" and download the source zip. [NB: they make you register!]
There are a few "C" files that you have to edit -- (to set set your chosen pins high and low and a delay function), but the
JTAG bit banging is done for you via other supplied "C" files.
Direct C is a bit specific to the Actel parts, so [as a complete alternative] you may prefer their STAPL player source code
which then takes an (FPGA) industry standard (JEDEC) stapl file.
Unfortunately, I cannot share code as I work for a company and it is LPC1778 specific anyway.
HTH, Mike