Brown out detect

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Brown out detect

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by cyberstudio on Fri Jul 19 12:44:05 MST 2013
I am trying to use brown out detect to do a wait loop until voltage is above the BOD threshold before doing some task. So the actual BOD interrupt is not enabled but I am polling the BOD pending interrupt bit in NVIC.

while (0 != NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(BOD_IRQn))

Would this work? Will BOD pending bit immediately get high again if the supply voltage remains below the BOD threshold?

The pending bit certainly won't go away on its own, it seems, so this would hang:

while (0 != NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(BOD_IRQn));

Thanks in advance.
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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by embd02161991 on Tue Aug 27 09:42:10 MST 2013

Brown out detection is used to detect if the supply voltage is above or below a certain threshold. When the supply voltage is below the threshold, none of the interrupts will be enabled. The polling function won't perform anything if the voltage is below the threshold. The interrupts and other functions will be properly functioning only after the voltage is above threshold. However, you could poll to detect if the supply voltage drops below the threshold and this can be used to perform a task at your will.

In short , polling cannot be used to detect if the supply voltage is above threshold because when the voltage is below threshold , the polling won't be functioning.

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