Note: This document provides a simple description, the details about flashloader can be found at Getting Started with LPC540xx Flashloader User's Guide.pdf which is located in SDK_2.5.0_LPCXpresso54S018\middleware\mcu-boot\doc
Boot mode |
ISP2 PIO0_6 pin |
ISP1 PIO0_5 pin |
ISP0 PIO0_4 pin |
Description |
USB1 DFU boot |
USB DFU class is used to download image over the USB1 high-speed port into SRAM. |
Connect the LPC54S0xx device USB1 high-speed port and PC with USB. The following is the command line to load the flashloader.bin:
$ dfu-util.exe –D flashloader.bin
Once the flashloader binary is downloaded and starts its execution on the LPC54S0xx platform and there remains a physical USB connection between the LPC54S0xx platform USB1(High-Speed) and host, the flashloader will be ready to receive the commands.
Note: xxx.bin is the target file which needs to be downloaded to the flash.
Author: Hao Liu
Thanks for Hao Liu.
Dear Alice-san,
$ dfu-util.exe –D flashloader.bin
I think I need a driver before doing the above, where can I get the driver?
Best Regards,
Yasushi Hasegawa