Hello Everyone!
Can someone provide an example with KSDK 2.0 driver how to read/write to SDRAM connected to the FlexBus in such way (in att.)?
KSDK: 2.0
CPU: Kinetis MK26FN2M0VMI18
(16-bits width, 4 banks, 4096 row, 512 cols)
Thank you.
Hi, Jan,
Pls download SDK2.0 from the website:
Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP
After you download the SDK2.0 based on MK26FN2M0xxx18, you can find out the directory:
You can change the parameters based on your SDRAM chip.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
Oh yes. I've already got this example. But it is for 32-bit, ALE latch,...
Has anyone example for TWR-K80? There is the same connection (almost same SDRAM)?