In the ADC16_DRV routines, what is the definition/meaning of chnGroup?

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In the ADC16_DRV routines, what is the definition/meaning of chnGroup?

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Senior Contributor I

I am trying to use the fsl_adc16 interface and have not been able to find a clear definition of the chnGroup parameter. Even in the examples found in the SDK API Reference Manual are not clear. I can find references to it, but nowhere is it initialized to a specific value.


Just to be able to do something, I have it set to 0, but I would prefer to understand its use.



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1 解答
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi David Pfaltzgraff,

      Yes, you are right!

      chnGroup refer to the Channel configuration.

      ADC configuration parameter is used in the ADC_DRv_Init,  if you generate the code , you will find the adConv1_InitConfig0 is used in the init code, just like the following:

    Wish it helps you!

    If you still have quesiton, please contact me!

Have a great day,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi David Pfaltzgraff,

    What details do want to know?

    The paramether in the PE of fsl_adc or the generated function meanning?

    1,If you want to know the fsl_adc PE configure items, please refer to the help of fsl_adc, you can find it from this path:


  2, If you want to know the generated function meaning.

  Actually, in the fsl_adc_driver.h, there have the comment already describ the generated funciton.

    Wish it helps you!

  If you still have quesiton, please contact me!

Have a great day,


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837 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Since I'm not that familiar with the ADC in the Kinetis line, maybe I'm asking both.

In the fsl_adc_driver.h file, it says: "chnGroup Selection of the configuration group." The the PE menu below


does the chnGroup refer to the Channel configuration (line3) or the ADC configuration (last line)?

If it's referring to line 3, then when is the ADC configuration parameter used?


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838 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi David Pfaltzgraff,

      Yes, you are right!

      chnGroup refer to the Channel configuration.

      ADC configuration parameter is used in the ADC_DRv_Init,  if you generate the code , you will find the adConv1_InitConfig0 is used in the init code, just like the following:

    Wish it helps you!

    If you still have quesiton, please contact me!

Have a great day,


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837 次查看
Contributor II

I have encountered the same issue as the OP.  Found this post but see no code under "just like the following" in the answer.  I remain unclear as to what the chnGroup parameter is and have found no generated code defining something that looks like it could be copied into the spot.  Like the OP, I have found that 0 works.  Mine is a KDSK 1.3.0 project targeting the FRDM-K64F.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


    Because this post is answered and closed, for your new question, please create a new post, then we will reply you in your new thread.

Wish it helps you!


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837 次查看
Contributor II

No, it does not help me.  Though it may have been answered, there appears to be a code snippet or something missing after "just like the following".  Is it just me than cannot see it or has a link disappeared?  I don't think starting a new thread is appropriate.

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837 次查看
Senior Contributor I

That helps explain the structure of the code, Also, since I am new to PE, it helps my understanding of its implementation.


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