FTM Dual-Edge Input Capture

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FTM Dual-Edge Input Capture

751 次查看
Contributor III

I am using the frdm-KV11Z board and I am specifically using the FTM to do some measurements.

I have an application where I need to sample 6 inputs consecutively with dual-edge capture mode so that I can measure the pulse width.

I have been able to get three by doing some pin muxing between each measurement. I leveraged the following code from the SDK dual-edge example:

edgeParam.mode                        = kFTM_Continuous;
edgeParam.currChanEdgeMode = kFTM_RisingEdge;
edgeParam.nextChanEdgeMode = kFTM_FallingEdge;
FTM_SetupDualEdgeCapture(FTM0, kFTM_Chnl_1, &edgeParam, 0);
FTM_EnableInterrupts(FTM0, kFTM_Chnl2InterruptEnable);
FTM_EnableInterrupts(FTM0, kFTM_Chnl3InterruptEnable);

Above, I am using 3 channels (1, 2, 3) to do the dual-edge capture.

However, I found that I cannot extend this to other channels combinations for FTM0 (for example: 0,1,2 or 2,3,4).

Any advice?


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588 次查看
Contributor III

Nevermind everyone. I figured it out.

The second argument to the FTM_SetupDualEdgeCapture is the channel pair number.


Channel    Channels

Pair           Used

0                0,1

1                2,3

2                4,5

3                6,7

So no need to reply.


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