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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


Hi All, All training examples were tested on TWR-KM34Z75M board. We will be using the same board during the hands-on. If you have this board, please take it with you. We have in Roznov 15 pcs which will be given for use during the training. We will be using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM. During installation, we recommend to download a 30 day eval version from IAR home page. The course license will be provided to you in Roznov prior training. Please install the following tool chains prior training: Tool description Link IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.60.1 FreeMASTER 2.0 FreeMASTER 2.0 Application Installation TWR-KM34Z75M training examples Kinetis-M Bare metal drivers and examples 4.1.5
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接:
Basic baremetal example to use I2C registers configuration. Original code obtained from TWR-K64F, usable on FRDM-K64F with adjustment. I hope it's useful.
  当我们在使用Keil 时,经常会遇到无法下载程序的问题,以下对两种常见的情况进行总结:    1. 在我们需要将某工程代码移植到同系列其他型号器件上使用时,如果只是更改了器件型号,这时可能会导致无法正确下载。需要注意的是不仅要在Device中更换型号,还需要在Flash Download栏中选择正确的flash loader 并且设置正确的RAM起始地址。   举个例子:假设我们需要将FRDM_KL26的Sample code中的hello_world工程移植到256K flash的KL26上使用。打开FRDM_KL26的Sample code中hello_world工程,我们可以看到Device中器件为MKL26Z128xxx4,        在Target中可以看到Flash和RAM的起始地址和大小信息。          如果使用Jlink调试接口,选择J-LINK/J-TRACE Cortex  ,之后选择Setting,可以看到flash loader的相关信息。         将此工程移植到到256K flash的器件上,我们需要做的事情是:      在device中进行修改,选择MKL26Z256xxx4               在Target中可以看到这时flash和RAM的起始地址和大小信息已经自动做了更改。不需要再手动修改了。         但是在Flash Download中的设置还是之前的设置,并没有改变。           所以这时是无法正确下载程序的,需要我们手动去修改这里的两处配置。     一是 RAM for Algorithm中的Start应该设置为0x1FFFE000(从Target栏中可以获取该值),Size不用更改。      二是Program Algorithm 删除掉128k的flash loader ,添加256K的flash loader。       2.第二种可能遇到的情况是:本来可以正常下载的程序当复制到另外一台电脑时就无法正常下载了。遇到这种现象时,需要检查一下Flash Download中的相关配置是否正确,很可能会遇到 Program Algorithm中flashloder为空的情况,发生这种情况的原因可能是两个电脑的Keil版本不同,所以flash loader所在路径就会不同,这样flash loader就会变成空白,这时需要自己手动添加一下即可。
To do: Implement a program that lets the 4 LEDs on the Tower toggle all together using the PIT Interrupt. For easy debugging, let the program run in the RAM. * toggle period 0.5 s, * extract vector table and service routines in 'vector.c. Hint: Use the 'arm_cm4.c and 'arm_cm4.h' from the freescale kinetis homepage, which include access functions for the NVIC. For ease of use, these routines are included in the result file. Result:
This is a presentation used to explain the Low Power Timer adapted by Vicente Gómez, Freescale TIC. LPTMR Module Explanation. Connection Diagram. Operation Modes Hands-On Configure a timer so that it generates an interruption every x time.  Explicación del Low Power Timer presentado por Vicente Gómez, Freescale TIC.- Explicación de los Modulos LPTMR . Diagrama de conexiones. Modos de operación Hands-on Configurar un timer para que genere una interrupción cada X tiempo.
for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader.