Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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  Hello Freedom community users Few weeks before, I produced for the Element14 community a full video review of the FRDM-KL46Z including all the steps to program and debug your first project example. Video has a length of less than 13 min so your evaluation of the Kinetis KL46 should be really quick and easy Enjoy Greg
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Hi, Anybody has sample code for K22 SPI? where shall I get the same? Thank Sarvani
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¡EL GRAN DÍA HA LLEGADO, PARTICIPA Y ELIGE AL MEJOR! Te esperamos en el Centro de Congresos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, la exhibición de los proyectos estará disponible a partir de las 09:00 hrs. Se nombrará al ganador a las 13:00 hrs. En seguida de la premiación de The Freescale Cup. La votación se abrirá a las 9:00hrs. Y se cerrará a las 12:30hrs, se tomarán en cuenta solo las interacciones realizadas dentro de este horario. Vota y califica tu proyecto favorito, sigue 2 pasos: 1. VOTA Elige solo UNA de estas 2 opciones. Ingresa a tu cuenta Twitter Publica el hashtag del proyecto #KinetisChallenge Ingresa al Facebook de Freescale University Programs Encuentra la liga y contesta la encuesta, o si lo prefieres puedes hacerlo desde el siguiente acceso.: 2. CALIFICA Califica cada uno de los proyectos de acuerdo a los criterios de selección. Ingresa a Califica cada proyecto con los 3 criterios. Observa la matriz de burbujas para ver la opinión de los participantes. Comparte tu calificación en tu muro. Se tomarán en cuenta la sumatoria de votos en Twitter y Survey Monkey; así como la calificación en RankTab. ¡LA ELECCIÓN ESTÁ EN TUS MANOS!
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Latest published errata for ISF 2.1
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To do: Implement a program that lets the 4 LEDs on the Tower toggle all together using the PIT Interrupt. This time, let the program run in the Flash. * toggle period 0.5 s * extract vector table and service routines in 'vector.c' * Change the linker command file 'ldscript_flash' * Take care of the 16 Byte security settings from $400-$410 in the Flash. Do not overwrite!!! Hint: Use the 'arm_cm4.c and 'arm_cm4.h' from the freescale kinetis homepage, which include access functions for the NVIC. For ease of use, these routines are included in the result file. Result:
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ButtonRace O ∆ []   ButtonRace es un juguete simple, un pequeño invento, que permitirá cambiar la vida de los niños que sufren alguna discapacidad. Nuestra creación está diseñada de una manera muy simple que, a su vez, permite a los niños con capacidades diferentes tener el máximo aprovechamiento. En general, nuestro objetivo era desarrollar los reflejos ojo-mano y estimular el aprendizaje de los niños. Esto, sin caer en las terapias actuales, que al ser tan habituales, pueden volverse menos efectivas. En resumen, el juego consiste en que el niño debe presionar el botón correspondiente a la figura que le es mostrada, lo que permitirá que un pequeña estrella avance a través de una pista de forma determinada. El mecanismo funciona a través del uso de una tarjeta Freedom de Freescale. Además, del uso de una serie de LEDS, un servomotor y algunos sensores infrarrojos y de presión. El sistema está diseñado para darle una retroalimentación al infante, para ver si su respuesta fue correcta. Las figuras encienden en color azul en el momento en que el niño debe presionar algún botón. Dependiendo de si la respuesta fue acertada, la misma figura cambia de color a verde o rojo. Dependiendo de si la figura y el botón corresponden, además, un servomotor moverá la estrella por la pista. Después de varias respuestas correctas, la estrella llegará a una meta, donde el sistema se reiniciará automáticamente. Nuestra intención es que este sistema tan simple de aprendizaje para niños, puede ser utilizado para enseñar otras cosas, además de cumplir nuestro objetivo principal.   Original Attachment has been moved to: Buttonrace.odt
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Kinetis芯片在量产时有以下事项需要注意: 1. 保证正确的上电时序,VDD应该先于所有其他引脚上电,VDD上电之前RESET引脚不应该出现高电平。 2. 推荐在RESET引脚加10k上拉电阻,并且和编程器的Reset引脚断开。 3. 编程器至MCU的引线越短越好,最好控制在15厘米之内。 4. 所有引脚不能有超过芯片手册规定之最高电平。 5. 保证焊接温度不超过芯片手册规定之最高温度。
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Some early TWR-K64F120M Revision B boards were shipped with incorrect jumper configurations and demo application. Jumper settings should be: J39 shunt 1-2 J16 shunt 1-2 J29 shunt 1-2 J10 shunt 2-3 J15 shunt 2-3 Updated application demo code and Quick Start Guide can be found at   TWR-K64F120M boards with updated jumper configurations and demo code will be tagged with a label marked TDA4906 on the bottom side of the board.
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  180°-Ansteuerung des BLDC-Motors simulation in LTSpice: Verläufe:           Es wurde als x-Koordinaten –Winkel in [°] statt der Zeit überzeichnet    
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To do: Implement a program that lets the 4 LEDs on the Tower walk like this: * a single LED from left to right, * then the two left ones, the two right ones, * the two outside and at least the two LEDs in the middle. For easy observing write a wait routine, called 'delay (unsigned int ms)', of about 1 second without using any library functions. The processor will start with the standard frequency of 20...25 MHz. Estimate the time, that a loop needs to realize the time. Hint: Do not forget to stop the Watchdog Module at the beginning.  including a readme with the compiler options
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using the TAD tool
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You probably have heard of what's new on Kinetis side of the house. YES, talking about KL02, measuring only 1.9mm x 2.0mm. Take a look at the picture in which this powerful ARM based chip gets compared real scale, and being this tiny yet delivers 60 percent more GPIO than the nearest competing MCU. :smileygrin:!!!
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This sample is to use two FRDM-KL02Z to testing the I2C.  By working at 400KHz baud rate, some customer may found the I2C_SDA will generating a dig when failing edge of the I2C_CLK.  Actually it should related with I2C port layout and the question is why this happen and how to get rid of the dig? The truth is I2C pins are open drain, so no one actually drives a high value. The high value is only there because of a pullup resistor on the lines. For the case to connect two of FRDM-KL02Z using the I2C0_SCL and I2C0_SDA lines that are available on J7, these lines are also used for connecting to the inertial sensor that is on the board, and there are 4.7K pullups on both lines. Problem is that there are 4.7K pullups on the lines on both boards, so the pullups are weaker than intended. So customer should remove the pullup resistors from one of the two boards that should help. We even recommend customer might need to replace the 4.7K pullups with an even stronger pullup though when they have more devices on the I2C bus that are all adding loading.
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for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader.
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Producto dirigido para terapias visuales y motrices. Consiste en una matriz de 6x3 LEDs, una columna verde, una amarilla y una roja. Aleatoria mente, se encenderá un LED que se encuentra hasta arriba, y ese irá bajando por la columna de su color hasta llegar al ultimo. Cuando eso suceda, se deberá presionar el botón del color correspondiente. Si esto se realiza correctamente, se suma un punto, de lo contrario se restan tres y suena un buzzer. Los puntos se despliegan en pantalla. La velocidad del juego se puede controlar con un potenciometro y un motor Servo se mueve dependiendo del puntaje.
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To do: In this exercise, you realize a windscreen wiper with the Tower. The LEDs simulate the moving wiper by running from left to right and back again. The user interface is simple: With pushbutton1, the time delay interval is increased in steps of 1 second starting from 5 seconds delay down to 1 second and further to continuous wiping. With pushbutton2 the delay is decreased in the same way. If the delay is decreased, the wiper should start immediately, because right now there is a need for wiping. This is not true for increasing the delay. In this case, wait till the current delay time is over, set the new delay. In technical terms: Use asynchronous interval reset for decrease and synchronous reset for increase. Use active wait loops instead of the timer in this Kinetis exercise. Hint: Have you already switched a case? Result:
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