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Test environment: FRDM-K64F Rev.D IAR ARM Workbench IDE V8.30.1 MCUXpresso SDK for FRDM-K64F v2.4.2(2018-08-02) Test project is [ftm_output_compare] located with default path: ..\FRDM-K64F\boards\frdmk64f\driver_examples\ftm\output_compare Test reason to verify the CnV register is updated on the next FTM counter change. Three test signals: FTM0_CH0 pin as output compare pin will generate square signal with 1.33KHz . FTM0_CH1 pin generate 24KHz Edge-Aligned PWM signal(High-true pulses (clear Output on match)) with 50% duty cycle as FTM counter monitor. When FTM counter change, the FTM0_CH1 will toggle to output high voltage. Test using a delay() function to emulate modify FTM0_CH0 output compare mode and CnV value periodically. There is a GPIO pin will toggle after each delay() function to detect/verify the CnV value actual load point. FlexTimer module setting: The FTM0 refer clock is 60MHz For the FTM0_CH1 pin generate 24KHz PWM signal, the FTM0 MOD value is fixed to 0x9C3 (60MHz/24KHz = 2500).   Below is the overall signals: Test Process Record: During FTM0 module initialization, set the FTM0_CH0 pin output compare value to 0xA00 (more than MOD register value (0x9C3)) with below code: Set the CnV value more than MOD register is to avoid the output compare be set during at start. After that,  enable FTM0 counter and toggle GPIO pin to set a mark: After delay, toggle GPIO pin and update CnV register to 0x270 (the match point is half of the PWM high voltage). The actual signal is : After the first CH0 output compare set match, before set CH0 pin clear on match. It need to keep the CH0 pin with same output compare mode and set CnV back to 0xA00 (more than MOD) again with below code: Then we set CH0 with clear on match mode and update CnV value to 0x752 (middle of CH1 PWM low voltage): The actual signal is: With the similar code, before next CH0 set on match, it need to keep the CH0 pin with same match compare mode setting and CnV change back to 0xA00 (more than MOD). The actual signal is below: Note: During the output compare signal compare mode set/clear change phase, it need to keep previous output compare mode setting, please don't using kFTM_NoOutputSignal setting at code. Otherwise, the output compare signal will exist decay: Test Result: From FTM0 register value, the FTM0_SYNCONF[SWRSTCNT] bit is clear, which means select Legacy PWM synchronization method. The legacy PWM synchronization method will update Output Compare mode CnV register value at the next FTM counter change. The actual signal also verify it. Below is FTM0 all registers value: For the more detailed info, please check the original thread at here. Please check attachment about test code.
Please note that the document shown above is an approximation of the original document.
Hi All, I designed one multi-uarts bootloader project for customers, with which the customers can improve their production efficency in factory. The attached files is the host machine and slave machine bootloader programs and a document for reference. Now the programs can work smoothly on K64 freedom board with three uarts broadcust function. Anybody who has such request can refer to my new program. Best regards David
       上篇详细的介绍了加密锁定Kinetis的一种方法,本篇再接再厉,给大家再介绍一种加密方法(哎,这点家底都晒出来了)。当然实际上原理还是不变的,即还是通过修改0x400~0x40F地址段的内容来实现加密锁定,万变不离其宗,所谓殊途同归罢了,下面好戏登台:        既然实现security最终都是改写寄存器加载段flash地址的内容,那实际上修改flash内容的方式还是灵活多变的,方案一中提到的在中断向量表的最后添加flash配置信息只是其中一种,那还有哪些呢?还是不摆谱了,小心被拍砖,哈哈。不错,那就是通过在指定地址定义常量的方法,当然定义常量大家都会用到(有些应用譬如LCD显示的字模或者一些固定的查找表为节省RAM空间我们一般会选择定义const常量的方法将它们存放到flash空间中),但是指定地址的存放方式用的会少些(一般都是让编译器自动分配的),如果我们非要指定地址呢(哎,强迫症又开始了,呵呵),即将flash配置信息作为常量强制指定存放到0x400起始的地址,那岂不是跟方案一有了异曲同工之妙了,好吧,这样的话那就该“@”这位老兄上场了(咳咳,可不是给单片机发email啊,呵呵),相信很多人到此处就都明白了。下面我仍然以IAR环境下锁定K60为例,简单介绍下方案二的使用步骤: 1. 打开待加密工程中的main.c文件,在其中的main函数之前以添加如下图所示常量定义,即将FlashConfig数据组数据存放到“.flashConfig”段中,其中FlashConfig[11]即为0x40C地址: 2. 至于这个.flashConfig段属性是需要在与该工程匹配的IAR连接文件(.icf文件)中人为添加定义的,如下图所示,需要添加三个部分,然后保存: 3. 前两步完成之后,其实需要添加的部分就已经完成了,但是还有特别重要的两点需要注意,这里我加红注释一下,如下: (1)采用方案二的情况,需要确保vectors.c中中断向量表最后的16个字节没有被添加,即不能有4个CONIFG_x配置信息的,否则会出现编译错误,因为这就涉及到两者冲突的问题,也就是说在采用方案一的话就不能采用方案二,同理,采用方案二的话也不能采用方案一,总之两者不能同存; (2)还需要考虑编译器优化的问题,因为我们在.flashConfig段定义了常量,但是在代码程序里却没有使用它,这种情况下编译器会直接把这段常量优化掉,所以我们做的工作算是白做了,即使我们在IAR的优化等级中设置成low或者none都不行,因为人家编译器认死理儿,反正你也没有使用它,我就是怕它pass掉,这下子伤心了,呵呵。还好IAR给我们留了条后路,在options->Linker->Input选项卡中提供了Keep symbol功能,如下图,将FlashConfig添加进去即可强制编译不优化它,这样目的就达到了,呵呵,看来还是天无绝人之路啊有木有。 3. 编译通过,下载调试,程序下载之后同样会出现进入不到调试窗口的现象,这个是正常现象,因为这个时候芯片就已经被security了,这样就可以放心量产了,呵呵~       希望这两篇系列文章能对大家有所帮助,enjoy it~
The Kinetis K70 MCU family includes 512KB-1MB of flash memory, a single precision floating point unit, Graphic LCD Controller, IEEE 1588 Ethernet, full- and high-speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go with device charge detect, hardware encryption, tamper detection capabilities and a NAND flash controller. 256-pin devices include a DRAM controller for system expansion. The Kinetis K70 family is available in 196 and 256 pin MAPBGA packages. For more information visit
中文版本:     在KL25的官方Demo 源代码中只有I2C驱动的PE代码而没有I2C驱动的baremental代码,对于不习惯用PE生成代码的用户直接上手有难度,于是考虑将K60的 I2C baremental 驱动代码中移植到KL25上,以供大家参考。但在移植过程中遇到了两个比较典型的问题,所以这里分享出来,希望能帮助遇到同样问题的用户迅速定位并解决问题。 测试硬件:TWR-K60D100M开发板  K60+MMA8451(MMA8451为三轴加速传感器,与K60通过I2C总线连接。K60作为master,MMA8451作为slave)                 FRDM-KL25Z开发板       KL25+MMA8451 开发环境:IAR 6.6 1.问题描述: 配置I2Cx_F寄存器MULT位不为0时,Repeat start信号无法产生 问题提出: K60示例代码(如附件1)中I2C demo的功能是通过I2C接口读取板载的加速度传感器MMA8451的数据,并且I2C数据控制采用查询ACK标志位的方式,在TWR-K60D100M开发板上运行该Demo一切正常。使用几乎相同的I2C驱动代码,在FRDM-KL25Z开发板上执行发现:程序总是停在如下Function 1的红色字体行i2c_wait(I2C0_B),进入这个函数内部,它实际上是停在while((p->S & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)==0),一直等待传输完成的中断标志IICIF置位。 Function 1. u8 hal_dev_mma8451_read_reg(u8 addr) {     u8 result;     i2c_start(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, I2C_ADDR_MMA8451 | I2C_WRITE);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, addr);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_repeated_start(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, I2C_ADDR_MMA8451 | I2C_READ);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);     i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_stop(I2C0_B);     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);     pause();     return result; } Function 2. void i2c_wait(I2C_MemMapPtr p) {     while((p->S & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)==0)  ; // wait flag     p->S |= I2C_S_IICIF_MASK;    // clear flag } 原因分析:      初步判断可能是上一步数据的传输 i2c_write_byte()没有完成,导致IICIF未能被置位。于是通过示波器去捕捉这个过程,发现在执行 i2c_repeated_start(I2C0_B)时,KL25并没有产生一个 Repeat start信号。经过一番谷哥和度娘,终于在Kinetis L的Errata中找到了答案:Repeat start cannot be generated if the I2Cx_F[MULT] field is set to a non-zero value. 这也就意味着,当 I2Cx_F[MULT]位被设置为非0值时,I2C Master不能产生一个Repeat start信号。而在应用程序的I2C初始化I2C_init()代码中, 我恰好设置I2Cx_F[MULT]=01,这正好是符合了Errata描述的错误产生的条件。 解决方案:      I2C的C1寄存器中MULT位是I2C SCL时钟的倍乘因子,用于控制I2C的波特率。为解决上面的问题,FSL官方提供了两种workaround的办法: 1)如果repeat start必须产生时,配置 I2Cx_F[MULT]为0; 2)在置位 I2Cx_F register (I2Cx_C1[RSTA]=1)的Repeat START产生位之前临时设置 I2Cx_F [MULT],然后再在repeated start信号产生后恢复I2Cx_F [MULT]位的设置。 按照第一种方法,我修改程序中I2Cx_F[MULT]的设置从01到00,然后程序在FRDM-KL25Z 开发板上运行正常,能正常读取板载的加速度传感器MMA8451的数据。 2.问题描述: I2C单字节读取时序问题 问题提出: 在上面的Function 1中, KL25读取MMA8451的基本过程是:发送要访问的从机地址及对从机的写命令->发送要访问的从机的寄存器地址->发送Repeat Start信号到从机->发送要访问的从机地址及读命令->读取从机返回的数据,如下Figure1 MMA8451的单周期读时序图所示,其过程和上面代码的描述一致。但是有一点值得注意的是Figure 1中红色方框部分,按照Figure 1的表述,Master是在从Slave从机读取DATA[7:0]之后返回NAK信号的,用于指示本数据是Master要接收的最后一个DATA,最后发送stop signal终止数据的传送。按照这个思路得到的KL25的程序代码如下Section 2,它首先去读取从机返回的数据 i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B),然后发送NACK信号到从机i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B)。然而从KL25实际的物理时序的角度看,这个顺序是错误的,正确的应该是如下Section 1,应该在读取从机返回的数据 i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B)之前,首先发送NACK信号到从机i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B)。 Section 1.   i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);   i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);----line1   result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);----line2   i2c_wait(I2C0_B);----line3   i2c_stop(I2C0_B);----line4   result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);----line5 Section 2.   i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);   result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);-   i2c_wait(I2C0_B);   i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);-   i2c_stop(I2C0_B); 原因: 主机发送的NACK信号只有在下一个数据接收之后才会被push到总线上,KL25的RM手册中的描述为the No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus after the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared)。 具体分析: 按照两个时序分别做了一个测试,并用示波器捕捉了相应的波形:执行Section 1的代码得到的波形如下Figure 2所示,NACK(1)信号刚好在第9个pluse脉冲上升沿被push总线上,然后在Stop信号后总线处于idle状态(SCL和SDA均为高)。执行Section 2的代码得到的波形如下Figure 3所示,ACK(0)信号在第9个pluse脉冲上升沿被push总线上,说明后面还有数据要传输,一直处于等待MMA8451数据的再次传送中,这明显违背了读取单字节数据的原本意图。总之,KL的I2C应用中Section 1的代码操作顺序是正确的,实际的物理时序和 Figure 1的示意图时序是不一样的,这点需要特别注意。 Figure 1. MMA8451's 单周期读时序示意图 Figuire 2. Section 1 代码对应的时序 Figure 3. Section 2 代码对应的时序 为方便大家验证这些问题,我这里在附件中一并上传了K60的I2C的示例代码,KL25的示例代码,以及Kinetis L关于I2C的Errata。 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— English Version:      Recently, I migrate the K60’s I2C demo code to the KL25, but found it can't works when the same demo code runs on FRDM-KL25Z board while it runs well on the K60 board. After a painful struggling, I finally get the cause, so here I make a record, wish it could be helpful when other users happen to meet same problem. Repeat start can't be generated when configure I2Cx_F[MULT] to non-zero      The K60’s demo( the attached 1) is to communicate with the onboard accelerometer MMA8451 by I2C, and in the demo it finish a data transmission by quering I2C’s flag bit. With almost same code, it always stops at below Function 1's red line i2c_wait(I2C0_B), also this function's defination is shown as below Function 2, it stops at while((p->S & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)==0) to wait IICIF flag. Function 1. u8 hal_dev_mma8451_read_reg(u8 addr) {     u8 result;     i2c_start(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, I2C_ADDR_MMA8451 | I2C_WRITE);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, addr);    i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_repeated_start(I2C0_B);     i2c_write_byte(I2C0_B, I2C_ADDR_MMA8451 | I2C_READ);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_get_ack(I2C0_B);     i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);     i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);     i2c_stop(I2C0_B);     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);     pause();     return result; } Function 2. void i2c_wait(I2C_MemMapPtr p) {     while((p->S & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)==0)  ; // wait flag     p->S |= I2C_S_IICIF_MASK;    // clear flag }      Then what's the matter? when I capture the I2C's wave form, found it didn't generate a Repeat start signal when excute i2c_repeated_start(I2C0_B);  After a struggle, In the Kinetis L's Errata do I find the answer: Repeat start cannot be generated if the I2Cx_F[MULT] field is set to a non-zero value. That means there is a bug in KL's design, if the I2Cx_F[MULT] field is set to a non-zero value, the I2C master can't generate a Repeat start signal. Coincidentally, in the I2C_init function I happen to set theI2Cx_F[MULT]=01, so it just meets the I2C's Errata.      Considering the MULT bits define the multiplier factor mul. and  used along with the SCL divider to generate the I2C baud rate. In the Errata, FSL gives two possible workarounds: 1) Configure I2Cx_F[MULT] to zero if a repeat start has to be generated. 2) Temporarily set I2Cx_F [MULT] to zero immediately before setting the Repeat START bit in the I2C C1 register (I2Cx_C1[RSTA]=1) and restore the I2Cx_F [MULT] field to the original value after the repeated start has occurred. To verify it easily, I revise the I2Cx_F[MULT] from 01 to 00. After that the same code runs well on FRDM-KL25Z board.    2. The Timing Sequence Of I2C's single byte Reading      In the above Function 1, there are a MMA8451 data read section like below after  Write Device Address->Write Register Address->Repeat Start->Write Device Address, and these steps is same as MMA8451's single byte read Timing Sequence requirment which is shown as below Figure 1. But referring to Figure 1, it looks like Section2 we should first excute below line2 to read the data, and then line1 give a nack  to suggest it's the last data, at last excute line4 to send a I2C stop signal. But unfortunately the idea is wrong, because in the phasical timing sequence the No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus after the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared) ,which means we need to give NACK signal before a read. And the captured wave form is like below Figure 2, you can find the NACK in the Ninth pluse, while the captured wave form is like below Figure 3 if excute Section 2 code instesd of Section 1 code, you can find the ACK in the Ninth pluse. it means the master will read another data, but the original intention is to read only one byte, so the I2C bus blocks. In a word, the section 1 code is right, the physical timing is different from the Figure 1's sketch map. Section 1.     i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);     i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);----line1     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);----line2     i2c_wait(I2C0_B);----line3     i2c_stop(I2C0_B);----line4     result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);----line5 Section 2.    i2c_set_rx_mode(I2C0_B);    result = i2c_read_byte(I2C0_B);-    i2c_wait(I2C0_B);    i2c_give_nack(I2C0_B);-    i2c_stop(I2C0_B); Figure 1. MMA8451's single byte read Timing sketch map Figuire 2. Section 1 code's Timing Figure 3. Section 2 code's Timing
Hello Kinetis fans, This time I bring to you a document which explains what is and how to configure scatter/gather feature which is present in the Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA). This document includes an example project for the Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) which works in the FRDM-K64F board but the configuration is the same for any MCU which includes the eDMA peripheral. If you are interested in the channel linking feature, please take a look into the document What is and how to configure the eDMA channel linking feature​. I hope you find this document useful. Best regards, Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez Technical Support Engineer NXP Semiconductors
       FreeRTOS is a high quality, risk free, supported, free RTOS, and now it is already successful to porting more 35 architectures. As a popular RTOS, more and more embedded engineers considering it for their next project.        Next, I’m going to show you the steps of creating a MAPS-K22 FreeRTOS demo by IAR and I’ve also attached a template demo and FreeRTOS source code (Fig 1). Fig 1 FreeRTOS source code directories and files     1. Copy the FreeRTOS source code to ~\MAPSK22_SC\Libraries     2. Create FreeRTOS_Source group in the workspace, then add the source code (Fig 2) Fig 2 3. Add an application code in the main.c This is a very simple configuration. It creates two tasks, one software timer, and also uses a button interrupt. The two tasks communicate via a queue. The receiving task toggles the LED3 each time a value is received. Pressing user button K5 generates an interrupt. The interrupt service routine for which resets a software timer, then turn the LED1 on. The software timer has a five second period. The timer will expire when K5 has not been pressed again for a full five seconds. The callback function that executes when the timer expires simply turn the LED1 on again. Therefore, pressing K5 will turn the LED1 on, and the LED1 will remain on until a full five seconds pass without the button being pressed again. 4. Modify the Include Directories 5. Run the FreeRTOS demo After build the modified application code, then run it on MAPS-K22 board (Fig 3) Fig 3 IMPORTANT! Cortex-M FreeRTOS port specific configuration Configuration items specific to this demo are contained in ~\MAPSK22_SC\Libraries\RTOS\config\K22F51212\iar. The constants defined in this file can be edited to suit your application. In particular configTICK_RATE_HZ This sets the frequency of the RTOS tick interrupt. The supplied value of 1000Hz is useful for testing the RTOS kernel functionality but is faster than most applications require. Lowering this value will improve efficiency. configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY See the RTOS kernel configuration documentation for full information on these configuration constants. configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY These are equivalents to configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, but presented in a form suitable for passing into the Freescale NVIC_SetPriority() library function. The NVIC_SetPriority() function expects priorities to be in the range of 0 to 15 - 0 being the highest priority and 15 being the lowest priority.
The attached zip file contains software that accompanies the document UART Emulation Using the FTM or TPM.  It contains two sample applications:  one that uses the TPM, and one that uses the FTM. The TPM example targets the FRDM-KL26Z development board and is written in baremetal code.  The FTM example targets the TWR-K22F120M and FRDM-K22F and is written using the Kinetis SDK 1.0 release.  Installation instructions are contained within the zip package. Unzip the package to an empty folder and then copy the appropriate folders to the the appropriate locations on your PC per the instructions located in the zip file. 
This file contains some codewarrior code examples migrated from the IAR examples in the sample code package available at the freescale webpage: blink_blue blink_red blink_rgb serial_test_19200 serial_test_115200 touch_toggle_leds Regards
Hi, I have a project created by Processor Expert and CodeWarrior 10.2 for TWR-K20 demo kit. Becasue I have some problem to use the Processor Expert USB HID Keyboard Host of the USB stack 4.1.1, I need to change to add the non-PE USB HID Keyboard Host into the project. Can anyone tell me how to do it? It will be very appreciated to give me a simple 'PE' example project, and add the non-PE USB HID keyboard host stack. Thank you! Stanley