how to trace the sleep time of K24

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how to trace the sleep time of K24

Contributor I

Hi Dear supporter, 

I have a simple question which I was told hard to solve. I am a hardware designer, got a new assignment to design a hardware feature to measure how long the K24 in sleep mode. the assumption is K24 use a IO pin tell me when it is going to sleep, then I use a hardware solution to count, and when K24 wake up, the hardware stop count. 

is there a software way to solve this problem? 

I was told that when the K24 wake up, the low power real time clock will get reset or clear, so it can't be used to record how long it has been in sleep. please give me some suggestion. need a little detail for software solution, because I am a hardware engineer. 

Appreciate your help.

David Sun

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello david sun,

    What the sleep mode you are using?

    Normally, how long for your sleep time?

   If the sleep mode is not the VLLS0, you can consider to use the LPTMR to trace the sleep time.

Wish it helps you!

Have a great day,

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Contributor I

Hi Kerry

Thank you very much, we are using either VLPS or LLS in low power mode.

the process is, when the system are ready to go low power mode, it read the

LPTMR counter and write to a flash memory 1. then enter low power mode,

during the low power mode, the counter keep counting. when the system out

of low power mode, system read the LPTMR counter again and write to a flash

memory two. by compare the two numbers in the flash memory, calculate the

duration of the low power mode.

is it possible that when system enter or exit low power mode, the LPTMR

counter get reset? is this reset mandatory by the K24 hardware design. our

firmware guy told me we can't keep or read this counter, because it will

get cleared when exit the low power mode. so need me to design a hardware

function to count the low power mode time. it sound so weird to me

appreciate you help

David Sun

David Sun

Staff Electrical Engineer

Bigfoot Biomedical, Inc. <>

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