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Senior Contributor I

Hi ,

please can anybody see my code and tell me why "timer_.cnt" variable is not incrementing in my code?? the code is never coming out of "while(timer_.cnt < tmp_timer)" loop.

in my code i defined some Timer variables in STRACTURE  form, assigning them defined values and  comparing with the Flex Timer actual values and toggling the pins of PORTC0 and PORTC1

if i am incrementing "timer_.cnt++" in side while loop it's working fine but if i am putting the value of FTM it's not incrementing (I think so).

I tried to debug the code but FTM is FROZEN in Debugging mode :smileysad:

Note : I checked FTM  alone working fine and also code till "while(timer_.cnt < tmp_timer)" this loop working fine. (I toggled the PORTC0 and POTC1) pins.

I am working with TRK-KEA128 Board


* main implementation: use this 'C' sample to create your own application



#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */

#define PRTC0    0x10000

#define PRTC1    0x20000

#define PRTC2    0x40000

#define PRTC3   0x80000

    //brief Zeit dier benötigt wird ein Fail zu löschen

    #define FAIL_TIMEOUT             (unsigned int)    596              //    6.4µsec x 596      = 3.814 mSec   => 2500  * 100  

    #define FAIL_MIN_TIME             (unsigned int)    298              //    6.4µsec x 298      = 1.9     mSec      => 10      * 100 

    #define MIN_OFF_TIME             (unsigned int)    7450             //    6.4µsec x 7450      = 47.68 mSec      => 500   * 100

    #define MIN_OFF_TIME_START_UP     (unsigned int)    745               //    6.4µsec x 745      = 4.76  mSec      => 50    * 100

    #define MIN_PROG_RUN_TIME         (unsigned int)    373               //    6.4µsec x 373       = 2.38  mSec      => 25    * 100

    #define MAX_WAIT_FOR_OFF_TIME     (unsigned int)    62500             //    6.4µsec x 62500  = 400      mSec      => 5000  * 100

    #define FRA_DETECT_CYCLES         (unsigned char)    150                //    6.4µsec x 150    = 0.960  mSec


    #define RECOVERY_CHECKTIME        (unsigned int)    2000             // .05µsec x 2000 x 26 (Loop Cycles)   = 2.6 mSec

// Timer Variables

    struct _Timer_


      unsigned  int cnt;                              // Umlaufender Timer, für allgemeines Programmtiming, 100µs Auflösung

      unsigned  int active;                          // FRA Timer, zur zeitlichen Steuerung des Wischens, 100µs Auflösung

      unsigned  int fail_up_cnt;                      // FAIL up counter

      unsigned  int fail_down_cnt;                    // FAIL down counter

      unsigned  int waitoff;                          // WAITOFF warte die Mindestoff-Zeit ab

      unsigned  int Recovery_counter;



    typedef struct _Timer_ Timer;

    static volatile Timer timer_ = { (unsigned int)0, (unsigned int)0, (unsigned int)0, (unsigned int)0,  (unsigned int)0,(unsigned int)0};

void                     delay(unsigned long k);

static void             startTimer(void);

void                     REFRESH_WDT(void);

static void             TMR_CNTRL(void);

void main(void)



            asm("CPSID i");                            // Disable Interrupt


               unsigned  int tmp_uint  = 0;                                                                  // zum kurzigen merken von intergern, zB FraState */

             unsigned  int tmp_timer = 0;                                                                 // Zwischenmerker für Zeitmessungen, bei Mindestlaufzeit und warten auf Dunkelphase */




        ICS_C1|=ICS_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK;         /* Enable the internal reference clock*/

        ICS_C3= 0x90;                        /* Reference clock frequency = 39.0625 KHz*/      

        while(!(ICS_S & ICS_S_LOCK_MASK));   /* Wait for PLL lock, now running at 40 MHz (1024 * 39.0625Khz) */      

        ICS_C2|=ICS_C2_BDIV(1)  ;             /*BDIV=2, Bus clock = 20 MHz*/

        ICS_S |= ICS_S_LOCK_MASK ;             /* Clear Loss of lock sticky bit */  



            WDOG_CNT     = 0x20C5;                                                                     // write the 1st unlock word

            WDOG_CNT     = 0x28D9;                                                                     // write the 2nd unlock word

         //   delay(10);


            WDOG_TOVALL = 30;                                                                         // 10 x  (1 / 1000) = 10 msec but cause of tolerance it's 16msec (Appx. +25 /-35 %)

            WDOG_TOVALH = 0;                                                                        // Always Write the Value for Cortex Controller in LOW & HIGH Byte


            WDOG_CS2     = 0x01;                                                                        // Select clock 1Khz ; to select 32 Khz clock we need to Enable in ICS_C1 register internal reference clock enable bit ICS_C1[IRCLKEN]

            WDOG_CS1     = 0x80;                                                                        // Enable WDT : Feed the Dog : Activate the Dog





    GPIOA_PDDR = 0xF07FE;                        // GPIO PORTC as Output                                                                 // Define PortA (A1-A3) all Pin As Output  ; one is Output and Zero is Input

                                                                                            // After POR : Power on Reset The Port Pins are in High Impedance State


//  GPIOA_PIDR= 0xF07FE;                                                                        // Define PORTA(A0): As FRA_FAIL input pin  : LED STATUS Detection pin

//  PORT_PTBIE_PTBIE3= 1;                                                                    // Define PortB(B3): As FRA_TRIG input Pin : one is Input Enabled and Zero is Input Disabled


    GPIOA_PDOR =  0x00000;                                                                     // Initialise the PORTA, PORTB


           timer_.cnt = 0;                                                                            // Initialise all Timer Variables

  = 0;

           timer_.fail_down_cnt = 0;

           timer_.fail_up_cnt = 0;

           timer_.waitoff = 0;






        tmp_timer = MIN_PROG_RUN_TIME;                                                            // Min PROGRAM run time is 2.5 mSec



           tmp_timer +=  timer_.cnt;





    while(timer_.cnt < tmp_timer)




            //   timer_.cnt++;







        GPIOA_PSOR = PRTC0;

        GPIOA_PSOR = PRTC1;










static void TMR_CNTRL(void)


       unsigned int x =0;


       x = FTM0_CNT ;                                                                    // Initialise FTM0 Counter   


       FTM0_CNT = FTM0_CNT - x;                                                        // Reset Counter



       timer_.cnt = timer_.cnt + x;                                                    // Increment Counter




           if(( + x) < (unsigned int)0xFFFF)                                // If Active counter is less than 0XFFFF ,increment


    = + x;



       if((timer_.waitoff - x) > 0)                                                    // If Waitoff Counter is greater than Zero , Decrement the Waitoff Counter


       timer_.waitoff = timer_.waitoff - x;



static void startTimer(void)



        SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_FTM0_MASK;                                                    // Enable the clock to the FTM0 module;


        FTM0_CNT     = 0x0000;

        FTM0_MOD     = 0xFFFF;                                                               // The FTM Counter is Free Running Counter by Defining MODH:L=0x0000 or MODH:L=0xFFFF;


        FTM0_SC  =  0x0F;                                                                  // CPWMS=0; Counter Mode;System Clock (Default) 20Mhz, FEI mode Default, Prescaler Factor 1:128        


void REFRESH_WDT(void)


//     DisableInterrupts;                                                              //  Refreshing the Watchdog    

      delay(5);                                                                        // small Delay before writing refresh word

      WDOG_CNT   = 0x02A6;                                                            // write the 1st refresh word

      WDOG_CNT   = 0x80B4;                                                                //write the 2nd refresh word to refresh counter


void delay(unsigned long k)


     unsigned long delay ;

     for (delay=0;delay<k;delay++) ;   


Thanks and Kind Regards,


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1,314 次查看
Specialist V


If the following is called quickly (faster than the FTM increments)

       x = FTM0_CNT ;                                                                    // Initialise FTM0 Counter   

       FTM0_CNT = FTM0_CNT - x;                                                  // Reset Counter

       timer_.cnt = timer_.cnt + x;                                                    // Increment Counter

x will always be zero and so your variable timer_.cnt will always remain at the same value.



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1,314 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hello Mark,

I noticed very strange thing , i just changed the Code Optimization from -Os to Code Optimization to None(-O0) and the code is working fine only with delay(25) in while loop as you said. I did setting Code Optimization from None to -Os cause i got really a big code size and after compile i got error for "text_m" bigger in size than allocated memory, SO i read on freescale  Forum and changed the Code optimization setting from none to -Os  :smileysad: .The above code is just part of that so that their is no Text_m error .

please can you help what's Code Optimization   exactly doing and what should be the Ideal setting for Code Optimization :smileysad:?




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Senior Contributor III

" -Os to Code Optimization to None(-O0) and the code is working fine only with delay(25)"

When -O0 works and others don't this is almost always a case of a volatile being missing someplace it is needed.

Also try -O2.  I've run into some obscure corner cases where -Os creates code with alignment issues for ARM parts.

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1,314 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hello Bob,

Thanks for Reply , i tried with every available settings for Optimization  but it is working only with -O0 Optimization Only :smileysad: i.e  none optimization.




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1,314 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hello Mark,

I put delay in my while loop as below

while(timer_.cnt < tmp_timer)




            //   timer_.cnt++;


Timer is running at 20Mhz , with Prescaler 128 so increment time should not be more than 1/20Mhz X 128 = 6.4 µSec , delay is also at 20Mhz  so 1/20Mhz X 10000 = 500 µsec, I think so in this case counter should increment

but i am getting the same result :smileysad:




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