SOFTWARE IDE FOR NXP Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® KL16 and KL26

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SOFTWARE IDE FOR NXP Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® KL16 and KL26

1,106 次查看
Contributor I

Which IDE will be used for the NXP Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® KL16 and KL26?


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1 解答
1,072 次查看
Senior Contributor V

KSDK (Kinetis SDK) and KDS (Kinetis Design Studio) and CodeWarrior is legacy, I recommend to go with the MCUXpresso IDE and SDK instead.

First there was CodeWarrior, then there was KDS, now there is MCUXpresso.


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6 回复数
915 次查看
Contributor I


For the NXP Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® KL16 and KL26, you can use the MCUXpresso IDE, which is provided by NXP Semiconductors. MCUXpresso IDE is a comprehensive and free-of-charge development environment designed specifically for NXP's microcontrollers and microprocessors.

MCUXpresso IDE includes all the essential tools for developing, debugging, and analyzing applications for NXP's Kinetis microcontrollers, including the KL16 and KL26 series. It provides a user-friendly interface, extensive debugging features, and seamless integration with NXP's software development kits (SDKs).

You can download MCUXpresso IDE from NXP's official website, and it supports various NXP microcontrollers, making it an ideal choice for your Freedom Development Platform with KL16 and KL26 MCUs.

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1,073 次查看
Senior Contributor V

KSDK (Kinetis SDK) and KDS (Kinetis Design Studio) and CodeWarrior is legacy, I recommend to go with the MCUXpresso IDE and SDK instead.

First there was CodeWarrior, then there was KDS, now there is MCUXpresso.

0 项奖励
1,068 次查看
Contributor I
Ok, Understood. Thanks for your reply
Are both MCUXpresso IDE and SDK free? or is there any paid version depending on the code size?
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1,063 次查看
Senior Contributor V

They are free of charge.

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1,099 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Hi @BPR ,

not sure what you mean with 'will be used', but there is the NXP MCUXpresso SDK ( for it, and you can use the SDK with a range of IDEs (I'm mostly using the MCUXpresso IDE and Visual Studio Code).

But you can use any other development environment as outlined on the MCUXpresso SDK web site.


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1,074 次查看
Contributor I
Iam asking this because there are actually three IDEs
1. CodeWarrior
2. MCUXpresso
Also, there is a KSDK and MCUXpresso SDK.
So, there is confusion for me.
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