New Freedom FRDM-K64F board

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New Freedom FRDM-K64F board

Specialist V

Hi All

The new Freedom board was unveiled at FTF Americas today I believe.

A port of the uTasker project has been made to it including board simulation as show below below - anyone who would like to play with a virtual FRDM-K64F can do so with the executable at

Just unzip the file and execute "uTasker_FRDM-K64F.exe" - this needs no installatiom but does need Winpcap to be installed on the PC (if you have Wireshark installed it is already there). The simulated device can be contacted on the IP address (web server, FTP, TELNET) and connects its UART0 to COM9 (using a virtual loop back to an emulator allows a command line menu to be played with - also the web server allows various things to be controlled). USB enumeration is simulated in the USB menu.

Hover your mouse over FRDM-K64F connectors to see the processor pins that they are connected to, their location on the processor, their present state and the peripheral functions that they support.

The 3 colour LED is also simulated - in the I/O command line menu (Telnet or UART) the ports can be controlled to turn on and off different colours to test the colour mixing.

Hope you have fun with it!!




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Specialist V

Hi All

Whilst making some first attempts with the new KDS [see First experence with KDS (Beta) with FRDM-K64F] I used the opportunity to work with the FRDM-K64F and configured a boot loader containing the following features (as well as an application exercising various board capabilities):

- UART interface allowing checking for and deleting application code (I removed the SREC loading because the OpenSDA virtual COM doesn't support XON/OFF which is needed to use 115kBaud)
- USB HID compatible with the Freescale HID loader program (HIDBootloader.exe from application note package AN4764)

- SD card

- Ethernet Web server

Attached is a SW pack for anyone interesting in using it. It contains:
- uTaskerSerialBoot.bin  This can be loaded with the MBED loader on the FRDM-K64F and is a single software (a little smaller that 32k in size) that contains all loaders mentioned above

- uTaskerV1.4_BM.bin is an application for the board (see below what it can do) that can be uploaded to the board from a web browser (board's IP address is

- uTaskerV1.4_BM.srec is the same application that can be uploaded using the HID loader program via USB (use uTasker_Kinetis_1MKB_PFlash.imp, also included, as configuration file in HIDBootloader.exe)

- software.bin is the same application that can be loaded by copying it to a micro SD card and inserting into the board (then resetting)

To force the boot loader hold SW2 at reset. The boot loader always starts if an SD card is inserted and checks for new content before jumping to the application (keep SW2 held down for about 5s to remain in the boot loader in this case). The UART output is via the OpenSDA virtual COM at 115k Baud.

The application shows a lot of functionality of the FRDM-K64F:

- it runs a web server on IP which will server pages from an SD card (put a start page called "index.htm" in a directory called "dir1"): if no SD card inserted the web server will serve pages from an internal file system (the IP address can be changed via the UART menu or via TELNET menu)

- Connect via USB to use the SD card as an USB-MSD drive to the PC and copy any files needed to it

- Or FTP to the board to read/write the SD card or to read/write files from the internal Flash file system when no SD card inserted

- Other services: Telnet, SNMP, DHCP, IGMP

- Use the UART or TELNET command line interface for

-- DOS like file system interface

-- various configurations

-- controlling ports (change LED colour for example)

-- view the accelerator data that is being samples via I2C at 400Hz

-- Join multicast groups and test multicast transmissions and receptions

-- Display time and set time/date (RTC with Gregorian calender)

-- A PIT interrupt will be toggling the port on J1-2 at 1kHz and PWM outputs can be measures on J2-4 and J1-16 (both at 1kHz with different mark-spaces).

The application size is about 100k.



P.S The included application was build using KDS !!

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Specialist V

Hi All

A release directly supporting the FRDM-K64F and KDS has been made available as described here: uTasker V1.4.5 with integrated KDS support



µTasker Kinetis support

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