I am using FRDM KW36 (BLE) as peripheral device in my project and I am not using whitelist advertising. So I would like to remove the API Gap_AddDeviceToWhiteList from the functions Gap_CommonConfig and BleConnManager_GapPeripheralEvent (in the event gPairingComplete_c) in the ble_conn_manager.c. Does removing this API affect pairing and connection?
Prakash V
Could you please help me with more details on what you are trying to do ? Why do you want to remove the BleConnManager_GapPeripheralEvent ? This function performs GAP Peripheral operations on the BLE stack on the connection callback so it would affect.
If you do not want to use the whitelist why would you use those functions? The whitelist will onfly filter some devices, will you use it ?
No, I don't want to remove the BleConnManager_GapPeripheralEvent function ,please read it carefully.
I want to remove only the API Gap_AddDeviceToWhiteList which is used in the functions BleConnManager_GapPeripheralEvent and BleConnManager_GapCommonConfig as I my KW36 acts as a peripheral device and i dont have requirement to advertise only to whitelisted devices and i want to remove adding devices to whitelist.
So, I need to know whether removing Gap_AddDeviceToWhiteList used in ble_conn_manager.c file impact connection and pairing?
I am not going to use the concept of whitelist in my project, but I need to make sure that removing it would doesn't impact on connections and pairing.Please get back if you are not clear with my query.
If you check those APIs are only compiled when the bonding it's enabled, if you are using bonding the API besides the bond created it writes the device address in controller's white list, so, if you use bonding it will be affected