How to use the 4kB EEPROM in MK60DX256?

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How to use the 4kB EEPROM in MK60DX256?

724 次查看
Contributor I

I'm going to use the 4kB EEPROM in MK60DX256, however, I don't know how to start with it.

First, I want to know what‘s the relationship between this EEPROM with K60.

Then, which communication method can be used to write and read the EEPROM? I2C? IF yes, then which channel?

Last, what's the address of the EEPROM?

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547 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The MK60DX256 actually has 256 KB of FlexMemory (EEPROM) at addresses 0x1000_0000 – 0x1003_FFFF. The 4 KB is the maximum size of the FlexRAM, which is used to program the FlexMemory (flash). When you need to store data in the FlexMemory, then you actually write to the FlexRAM space, that is the method.

You might not fully understand my explanation above, so to start with the FlexMemory you have to read the next application note:


Jorge Gonzalez

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

547 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, Jorge_Gonzalez

Thanks for your patient explanation. I understand something of it. And thank you for your recommended document.:smileyhappy:

Best wishes!

Haiguo Li

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