FRDM-KL82Z no tty interface anymore

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FRDM-KL82Z no tty interface anymore

12,682 次查看
Contributor II

Hello all,

I directly copied and pasted the bin file to the board at that time still can be recongnized as a tty interface.  However, after status led flashed quickly and I unplugged and plugged the cable again, the tty interface has gone.  Also if now I use the Xpresso IDE to flash some other axf to the board.  It would show probe cannot be found.

Anyone knows how to get the usb driver back?  Thanks a lot. 

Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 2.11.27 AM.png

But it still appears as the bootloader driver,

Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 2.16.02 AM.png



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Contributor II

Do you have some station that would accept mailing these hardwares to you for further analysis?  I'm just curious about it and don't want it to turn to be a brick so soon...  I don't think there's any serious hardware damage on any of the device.

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Contributor II

Besides, I got a STM32F042K6 at hand but I don't think it exposes pins to allow jlink connection directly.  I will try to configure the pins with the STM32Cube, but the process would be slow as I'm at kindergarten level on jlink.

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Contributor II

Thank you so much for the guide.  I will try out and feedback.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


It looks like you firmware wasn't updated. Because the mcu uses old bootloader, but you put the new firmware for him and we do not have the old firmware. So you have to update the bootloader. The attachment is a guide to teach you how to update the bootloader.  You need a jlink to connect to J9.

Have a great day,

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12,328 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks admin.  One quick question on step 5 the Jlink connection basically means to connect the SDA USB port to the PC, am I right?

I was trying step 5 like first connecting the SDA USB port with the PC, after that, I got another cable to connect the other usb port to the PC.

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 11.11.34 PM.png

At the moment I got stuck in step 5/6, as Jlink cannot get connected via USB.  I will keep trying different ways.

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The device you choose should look for the schematic. MK20dn32 is used for k64, not your Board.

You should find 'MK20DX128VFM5'.

Have a great day,

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12,319 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks, admin.

I understand.  The screenshot is from the pdf you sent to me.  In my case, I still cannot find any device for step 6.  I'm wondering whether I connected those cables correctly in step 5 thus I tried to make sure with you.

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NXP Employee


You need another jlink to connect to the board. Not usb. Something like this. This is lpc-link. I use it to connect to the board pin 'J9'.



Have a great day,

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12,268 次查看
Contributor II

Dear Admin,


I purchased a jlink and did according to the instruction but it still could not work out.  My first time to use a jlink so there might be some issue I was unaware of.  Attached are relevant pictures for this time.

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12,261 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Do you choose the right mcu? MK20DX128VFM5. Do you connect to the j9?

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12,255 次查看
Contributor II

Dear Admin,


I think FRDM-KL82Z is with cortex-m0+, anyway, I tried both MK20DX128xxx5 and MKL82Z128xxx7.  Similar error output as previously attached.  Thanks.

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12,248 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Do you insert the jlink correctly? Please notice the direction. Do you use your jlink to communicate with other device? Does it work? You can also connect to j19 to communicate with your kl82 mcu. 

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12,244 次查看
Contributor II

I switch to J19 and got some new error this time.


SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.80d (Compiled Jun 26 2020 17:17:21)
DLL version V6.80d, compiled Jun 26 2020 17:17:01

Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Dec 13 2019 11:14:50
Hardware version: V9.70
S/N: 59768859
License(s): RDI, GDB, FlashDL, FlashBP, JFlash

Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
Please specify device / core. <Default>: MKL82Z128XXX7
Type '?' for selection dialog
Please specify target interface:
  J) JTAG (Default)
  S) SWD
  T) cJTAG
Device position in JTAG chain (IRPre,DRPre) <Default>: -1,-1 => Auto-detect
Specify target interface speed [kHz]. <Default>: 4000 kHz
Device "MKL82Z128XXX7" selected.

Connecting to target via JTAG
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Protection bytes in flash at addr. 0x400 - 0x40F indicate that readout protection is set.
For debugger connection the device needs to be unsecured.
Note: Unsecuring will trigger a mass erase of the internal flash.
Executing default behavior previously saved in the registry.
Device will be unsecured now.
Readout protection is set and mass erase is disabled. J-Link cannot unprotect the device.
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000

****** Error: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Readout protection is set and mass erase is disabled. J-Link cannot unprotect the device.
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset

****** Error: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1

Cannot connect to target.



It says "J-Link cannot unprotect the device.".  I found another topic about this issue but it seems a different chip.  I haven't tried it yet.


Hope this means I'm getting close.  Many thanks for your help!


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12,236 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

In jlink commander, try to enter 'unlock kinetis'. It will erase the chip protection.

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12,231 次查看
Contributor II

Hello Admin,

New error message,

Cannot connect to target.
J-Link>unlock Kinetis
Unlocking device...ERROR: Read from DP/AP register failed!


I searched a while and it seems the problem is quite fundamental.  

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12,226 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Do you unlcok the kl82? 

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12,221 次查看
Contributor II

Dear Admin,

What do you mean by unlocking kl82?  I thought 'unlock kinetis' and 'unlock kl82' are the same process.

If not, can you guide a bit on how to unlock kl82?  Thanks a lot.

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12,215 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

connect to j19 to unlock? Do you?

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12,212 次查看
Contributor II

This is what I just tried.  The process started from connecting to the device and unlock it.  After it failed at 'unlock Kinetis', I don't have a clue for further steps. 

Yes it's J19. 

I added another picture here.  The green light on the board is actually blinking.  The rest of the lights just stay bright. 


Specify target interface speed [kHz]. <Default>: 4000 kHz
Device "MKL82Z128XXX7" selected.

Connecting to target via JTAG
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset

****** Error: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1

Connect Under Reset
Readout protection is set and mass erase is disabled. J-Link cannot unprotect the device.
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset
Connect Under Reset

****** Error: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1

Cannot connect to target.
J-Link>unlock Kinetis
Unlocking device...ERROR: Read from DP/AP register failed!




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12,528 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Do you try swd?


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