DMA and PIT for FRDM K64F board

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DMA and PIT for FRDM K64F board

Contributor IV

I'm working on a project where I'm trying to design a frequency generator. I want to use DMA and PIT(Periodic Interrupt Timer) feature on FRDM K64F board. I would like some help on the use of these on FRDM K64F board using KSDK+PE. I am using KDS Version: 3.2.0 and KSDK 1.3.

25 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


If you want to use variable from main.c to other source files, you should declare this variable as global in main.c for example: int q[50] = {0}; and this same variable needs to be included as extern in the other source file, for example, it will look like extern int q[50]; in events.c

How  are you getting the sin values?

I am supposing you are moving data from internal buffers by using PIT to trigger dma channel, aren't you? If so, you will need to use other 2 dma channels as well as 2 PIT channels to replicate this behavior for other 2 signals and this way, all channels will be independently (frequency and data) for each signal

If you have another question let me now

Mario Castañeda

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I wanted to direct you to another post. Please take a look in your spare time.USB as Device Driver

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Can we generate a wave using values generated from a user given input without putting constant values in a buffer??

For example to generate sin wave: I have used the following piece of code:

#define DAC_TEST_BUFF_SIZE  (120U)

uint16_t dac_buffer[DAC_TEST_BUFF_SIZE] =

    {0x7ff, 0x86a, 0x8d5, 0x93f, 0x9a9, 0xa11, 0xa78, 0xadd, 0xb40, 0xba1,

        0xbff, 0xc5a, 0xcb2, 0xd08, 0xd59, 0xda7, 0xdf1, 0xe36, 0xe77, 0xeb4,

        0xeec, 0xf1f, 0xf4d, 0xf77, 0xf9a, 0xfb9, 0xfd2, 0xfe5, 0xff3, 0xffc,

        0xfff, 0xffc, 0xff3, 0xfe5, 0xfd2, 0xfb9, 0xf9a, 0xf77, 0xf4d, 0xf1f,

        0xeec, 0xeb4, 0xe77, 0xe36, 0xdf1, 0xda7, 0xd59, 0xd08, 0xcb2, 0xc5a,

        0xbff, 0xba1, 0xb40, 0xadd, 0xa78, 0xa11, 0x9a9, 0x93f, 0x8d5, 0x86a,

        0x7ff, 0x794, 0x729, 0x6bf, 0x655, 0x5ed, 0x586, 0x521, 0x4be, 0x45d,

        0x3ff, 0x3a4, 0x34c, 0x2f6, 0x2a5, 0x257, 0x20d, 0x1c8, 0x187, 0x14a,

        0x112, 0xdf, 0xb1, 0x87, 0x64, 0x45, 0x2c, 0x19, 0xb, 0x2,

        0x0, 0x2, 0xb, 0x19, 0x2c, 0x45, 0x64, 0x87, 0xb1, 0xdf,

        0x112, 0x14a, 0x187, 0x1c8, 0x20d, 0x257, 0x2a5, 0x2f6, 0x34c, 0x3a4,

        0x3ff, 0x45d, 0x4be, 0x521, 0x586, 0x5ed, 0x655, 0x6bf, 0x729, 0x794};

uint16_t index = 0;

void pitTimer1_IRQHandler(void)

I want to generate a wave without using this lookup table. Is it possible to do that?
Does the buffer take constant values only?

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

If I use extern int q[7200]; in events .c after putting int q[7200] = {0} in main.c I get the error "undefined reference to 'q' " and if I use extern int q[7200] = {0} in events.c after putting int q[7200] = {0} in main.c I get a warning " 'q' initialized and declared 'extern' " Is this warning fine? I have attached the screenshots for the errors and warnings.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Thank you so much. It makes total sense now. I did like you said. But how do you check the output for the other two waveform. I am using DAC0_OUT(Analog Out) Pin to check the waveform on scope and I see only one waveform. Which pins will be used to check multiple outputs.?

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