Command line access to Kinetis flash via JTAG?

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Command line access to Kinetis flash via JTAG?

Contributor III

I'm reserving a sector of the upper flash block of a K64 for what amounts to a collection of environment variables, which represent configuration parameters that vary from unit to unit, and that should persist if the firmware is upgraded. I'd like to be able to write a Windows command line app that lets me read, modify and write this sector, without messing around with the IDE: just connect the JTAG, turn the unit on, and type the command. It's okay if it resets the processor.


Obviously, the flash programming is done in KDS via a set of scripts. Is there any way to write such scripts and get them executed outside the IDE? The IDE will be present on the machine, so the necessary executables will exist.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

All the three debug connections in KDS (Segger, P&E and OpenOCD) come with standalone command line gdb servers and tools, so you could use those?

That way you can use it outside of the IDE.

P&E command line tool is located in (for Windows):


Segger tools are located in:


OpenOCD tools are located in:


Basically they support the gdb commands, consult the documentation of each vendor/supplier.

I hope this helps,


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