Hi NXP support
I am using the above with a PCAN-FD CAN analyzer, for evaluation.
We got a MC33665ATF4 with 2 MC33772 under it with the script attached. MV_MC3377C ScriptGUI_Code_500K.txt, Its not able to communicate with the CAN Gateway 33665A, any help is appreciated.
Recently saw a new SCRIPTGUI version, Installed it, but I am getting the Following error for 3.40
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "multiprocessing\", line 314, in _bootstrap
File "multiprocessing\", line 108, in run
File "scriptserver\", line 150, in execute
File "ports\", line 399, in close
File "ports\", line 377, in deinit
AttributeError: 'PortCan' object has no attribute 'worker'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 629, in <module>
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\", line 50, in _freeze_support
File "multiprocessing\", line 122, in spawn_main
File "multiprocessing\", line 135, in _main
File "multiprocessing\", line 329, in _bootstrap
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'
I also ran 3.30D version It was running, but the board verified to be working with the script is not working with Attached the trace in ZIP, images of CAN TX and RX from the CAN transceiver TJA1052IT/2's CAN_RX [Magenta in scope] and CAN_TX [Yellow in scope].
Please help, we can even have a Call on the same, with any of the support engineers
Karthikeyan Mitran
Solved! Go to Solution.
Got it working, the
The PCAN-FD dongle I was using is the issue, I am not sure why, will try to reset or upgrade firmware, another newer PCAN-FD dongle sent the data and we got the reply from both 33665 and 33772's
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.980160 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 5.982120 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.984080 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.986130 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.986300 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.988010 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988180 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988350 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988520 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.989030 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.989120 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.989970 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.990140 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.991000 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.991170 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.991340 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.494630 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 6.496260 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.496770 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 6.498640 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.500690 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.502830 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.503680 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.504700 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 7.007400 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 7.007830 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 8.011010 R
0 000006A2 6 D3 AE BB 02 01 F5 ...... 8.011350 R
0 000006A2 6 D2 96 BC 02 11 7D .....} 8.011600 R
0 000006A2 6 D9 54 BD 02 21 FE .T..!. 8.011780 R
0 000006A2 6 80 03 BE 02 31 23 ....1# 8.011950 R
0 000006A2 6 D7 BF BF 02 41 02 ....A. 8.012200 R
0 000006A2 6 D4 D8 C0 02 51 B1 ....Q. 8.012370 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame .F.. 8.013140 R
I am not sure if we can do a pcan reset before using it in SCRIPT GUI.
Its solved now. DO you have any C versions which you can share, I am creating and arduino based C version for the 33665, Just checking if you have it, will use it. Else I am fine in sharing my version if you like it.
The arduino snippet is below, Happy charging.
poly is 0x2f
#define CRC8(CRC, C) ((CRC = crc8_lut[CRC ^ C]) & 0xFF)
unsigned char crc8_lut[256];
void crc8_pop(unsigned char poly)
int i;
int j;
unsigned char crc= 0;
for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
crc = i ;
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
crc = (crc << 1) ^ (((crc) & 0x80) ? poly : 0);
crc8_lut[i] = crc & 0xFF;
int read_TPL2(unsigned int d_add, unsigned int c_add, unsigned int count, unsigned char reg_add, unsigned short data)
unsigned char len =6;
if (d_add > 63)
return MCP_33665_ERROR;
if (reg_add > 0x7f)
return MCP_33665_ERROR;
//Data - 0 frame[0]
frame[0] = (data & 0xff00)>>8;
//Data - 1 frame[1]
frame[1] = (data & 0xff);
frame[2] = 0x80 | (reg_add & 0x7f); //MS Bit with
frame[3] = d_add & 0x3f; //src=0, CADD[2] = 0
frame[4] = ((count & 0xf) <<4) | ((c_add & 0x3) << 2) | 0x1; //MS count with READ [0x1]
frame[5]= 0x42;
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x602, 0, 6, frame);
CAN.readMsgBuf(&len, buf);
return (buf[0]<<8 | buf[1]);
//Data - 1 frame[4] - Msg CNT and CMD
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, 0x10, 0x0);
I just tried the MV_MC33772C_ScriptGUI_Code_500K.txt script on the ScriptGUI V3.40 and it works on my setup.
Please check you hardware setup in particular the configuration of the 665 EVB! The CAN speed and pinid must match between Script and external hardware. The 665 needs a power on reset after changing the configuration pins!
For a proper operation also check in the trace if the 665 initialization was successful (Rsp messages received):
What does this transfer do, I could not get this working,
cmc1= devs.add(cadd=0, dadd=2, device="mc33772c")
cmc2= devs.add(cadd=0, dadd=3, device="mc33772c")
Time Type Command/Result MADD CADD DADD MsgCnt Register N Data Physical
16:12:57.474 tplreq Wr48: 0.1.00 MC33772C_INIT 2 0 1 00 0 MC33772C_INIT 0002h
16:12:57.475 tplreq Wr48: 0.1.00 MC33772C_INIT 3 0 1 00 0 MC33772C_INIT 0003h
If you use the 665 as gateway, then you have to configure it prior using it, e.g.
you have to configure the ports: mapping of chains to ports, protocol version TPL2 or TPL3, timeouts, broadcasting...
Please check the MC33665A datasheet and phy_init().
Those lines are only relevant for correctly understanding response messages (mapping to device types). They do not impact the communication as such!
cmc1= devs.add(cadd=0, dadd=2, device="mc33772c")
cmc2= devs.add(cadd=0, dadd=3, device="mc33772c")
Further information can be found in the online help Device Model:
I am not getting any response, from 33772 TPL0_ERR_STAT is set, 0x4.
65 6864.064 DT 06A2 Rx 6 01 11 90 01 61 70
66 6916.596 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 32 01 11 1B
67 6916.797 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B2 01 71 43
68 6969.471 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 34 01 11 3F
69 6969.673 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 04 B4 01 81 35
70 7022.266 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 33 01 11 15
71 7022.466 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B3 01 91 3B
72 7075.077 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 38 01 11 77
73 7075.283 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B8 01 A1 84
74 7127.782 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 30 02 15 AF
75 7180.216 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 32 02 15 B3
Any help is appreciated. I am using CAN 2.0 and I see activity in TPL0 but the 33772 is not responding and timing out. this does not occur with the scripte3.0, should I create a new topic or continue.
Thanks in advance,
Happy Pie day
From the information provided it's impossible to know whats going on!
This is the CANtrace you provided. I can not see how you startup the system!
06A2h -> PinID 4
65 6864.064 DT 06A2 Rx 6 01 11 90 01 61 70 Rsp48: 0.0.01 #06 MC33665_SYS_VERSION 0111h
66 6916.596 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 32 01 11 1B Rd48: 0.0.01 MC33665_EVH_GENERAL_ERR_STAT 0
67 6916.797 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B2 01 71 43 Rsp48: 0.0.01 #07 MC33665_EVH_GENERAL_ERR_STAT 0000
68 6969.471 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 34 01 11 3F Rd48: 0.0.01 MC33665_EVH_TPL0_ERR_STAT 0
69 6969.673 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 04 B4 01 81 35 Rsp48: 0.0.01 #08 MC33665_EVH_TPL0_ERR_STAT 0004h
70 7022.266 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 33 01 11 15 Rd48: 0.0.01 MC33665_EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT 0
71 7022.466 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B3 01 91 3B Rsp48: 0.0.01 #09 MC33665_EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT 0000h
72 7075.077 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 38 01 11 77 Rd48: 0.0.01 MC33665_EVH_ACC_ERR 0
73 7075.283 DT 06A2 Rx 6 00 00 B8 01 A1 84 Rsp48: 0.0.01 #10 MC33665_EVH_ACC_ERR 0000h
74 7127.782 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 30 02 15 AF Rd48: 0.1.02 MC33772C_MEAS_ISENSE1 0
75 7180.216 DT 0622 Rx 6 00 00 32 02 15 B3 Rd48: 0.1.02 MC33772C_MEAS_STACK 0
As said ealier you first have to configure the 665 gateway device!
For example you FIRST need to configure the ports! The default configuration use TPL3 protocol, but you need to configure for TPL2 protocol. If you use Port #0 -> SYS_PORT0_CFG
Next would be to assign the CID and to check if successful:
# schedule sync by cmd
Wr48: 0.0.01 MC33665_SCHED_CMD 1004h
Nop48: 0.1.63 00h CAFEh
Wr48: 0.0.01 MC33665_SCHED_CMD 0006h
Nop48: 0.{cadd}.63 01h CAFEh
# trigger sync
Wr48: 0.0.01 MC33665_SCHED_EVENT 0001h
Wr48: 0.0.01 MC33665_SCHED_CMD 0008h
# wait 0.75ms x num nodes
# assign
Wr48: 0.1.00 MC33772C_INIT 2
Wr48: 0.1.00 MC33772C_INIT 3
# check
Rd48: 0.1.02 MC33772C_INIT 1
Rd48: 0.1.03 MC33772C_INIT 1
used write_TPL2_2 for global write to the CID config,
Currently trying to get the cyclic measurements running, was able to read SYS_CFG_1 of 33772 and modifing it to 0x5001 instead of 0x1001.
int write_TPL2_2(unsigned int d_add, unsigned int c_add, unsigned int count, unsigned char reg_add, unsigned short data)
unsigned char len =6;
int ret = 0;
if (d_add > 63)
return MCP_33665_ERROR;
if (reg_add > 0x7f)
return MCP_33665_ERROR;
//Data - 0 frame[0]
frame[0] = (data & 0xff00)>>8;
//Data - 1 frame[1]
frame[1] = (data & 0xff);
frame[2] = 0x00 | (reg_add & 0x7f); //MS Bit with 0
frame[3] = d_add & 0x3f; //MADD/src=0, CADD[2] = 0
if(c_add == 0x1) {
frame[4] = 0x17;
} else {
frame[4] = ((count & 0xf) <<4) | ((c_add & 0x3) << 2) | 0x2; //MS count with write [0x1]
frame[5]= 0x42;
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x622, 0, 6, frame);
sprintf(pbuf, "WR:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg_add, frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], frame[3],frame[4],frame[5]);
//CAN.readMsgBuf(&len, buf);
return 0;//(buf[0]<<8 | buf[1]);
//Data - 1 frame[4] - Msg CNT and CMD
init() {
//CAN.readMsgBuf(&len, buf);
sprintf(pbuf, "-------------Init_PHY:-------------\n");
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
sprintf(pbuf, "-------------PHY:-------------\n");
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_VERSION, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_VERSION:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_PROD_VER, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_PROD_VER:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_VERSION, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_VERSION:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_UID_LOW, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_UID:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, (SYS_UID_LOW+1), 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_UID:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_CFG_CRC, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_CFG_CRC:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_WAKEUP_REASON, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_WAKEUP_REASON:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_GENERAL_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_GENERAL_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
sprintf(pbuf, "------------------CMC_INIT---------------\n");
#if 1
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SCHED_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SCHED_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
nop_TPL2(0x1,0x0, 0xCAFE);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, SYS_VERSION, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "SYS_VERSION:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
reg = read_TPL2(0x1, 0x0, 1, EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT, 0x0);
sprintf(pbuf, "EVH_MCUIF_ERR_STAT:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n", reg, rbuf[0], rbuf[1], rbuf[2]);
did a global write with 0x11 instead of local write 0x10 for the CID/INIT register. Will update more once I get it completely working
Got it working, the
The PCAN-FD dongle I was using is the issue, I am not sure why, will try to reset or upgrade firmware, another newer PCAN-FD dongle sent the data and we got the reply from both 33665 and 33772's
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.980160 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 5.982120 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.984080 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.986130 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.986300 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.988010 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988180 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988350 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.988520 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.989030 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.989120 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.989970 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.990140 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 5.991000 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.991170 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame d.. 5.991340 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.494630 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 6.496260 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.496770 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 6.498640 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.500690 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.502830 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.503680 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 6.504700 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame B.. 7.007400 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 7.007830 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame F.. 8.011010 R
0 000006A2 6 D3 AE BB 02 01 F5 ...... 8.011350 R
0 000006A2 6 D2 96 BC 02 11 7D .....} 8.011600 R
0 000006A2 6 D9 54 BD 02 21 FE .T..!. 8.011780 R
0 000006A2 6 80 03 BE 02 31 23 ....1# 8.011950 R
0 000006A2 6 D7 BF BF 02 41 02 ....A. 8.012200 R
0 000006A2 6 D4 D8 C0 02 51 B1 ....Q. 8.012370 R
0 00000000 ErrorFrame .F.. 8.013140 R
I am not sure if we can do a pcan reset before using it in SCRIPT GUI.
Its solved now. DO you have any C versions which you can share, I am creating and arduino based C version for the 33665, Just checking if you have it, will use it. Else I am fine in sharing my version if you like it.