Route the PWM signals to external pad via crossbar
For the MC56F83xxx, it has 2 eFlexPWM modules PWMA and PWMB, each PWM module can
output at least 8 PWM signals, the two PWM modules can output at least 16 PWM signals.
The MC56F83xxx has three packages, LQFP100, LQFP80 and LQFP64, for small reduced
pin package LQFP80 and LQFP64, maybe some PWM signals can not output to external
PWM pads because of reduced pin number for small package, in the case, user can output the PWM signal via crossbar through crossbar external pads.
For detailed information and code, pls refer to the attached doc <<Route the signals to external pad via crossbar.pdf>>
The methods adapts to the MC56F81xxx, MC56F82xxx, MC56F83xxx, MC56F84xxx families.