Hi Grego
I can't help with the ColdFire_Lite.mcp but I (and other collegues) have experienced initial problems with the debugger, including the need to reinstall the driver. Once it is working correctly it is however a very good tool, as is CW6.3 so stick with it because it will be worth the effort.
What I can offer is the uTasker solution which is free of charge for educational and other non-commercial use. It is full supported by email and documented. Check out the tutorial to the demo project here.
http://www.utasker.com/docs/M5223X/uTaskerV1.2-Tutorial-M5223X.PDFThe demo project includes most things which are needed in a project (from IP through TFTP, dynamic HTTP, FTP, SMTP to high performance TELNET). It includes drivers for UART, I2C, CAN and various other things like high resolution timers and DMA integrated in the operating system. It has a file system in internal FLASH or external EEPROM via SPI and can be configured for immediate use of matrix keyboard and LCD displays. It can be fully simulated in the unique uTasker simulator and the project can be moved between the Coldfire M5223X and the HCS12 M9S12NE64 by setting one compiler switch. It also includes a powerful boot loader enabling complete software uploads to the board via the Internet. The debugger is in fact very rarely needed for normal development work...
You can find more details at the web site below.