Problem MPC5554DEMO

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Problem MPC5554DEMO

Contributor I

    I have bought a MPC5554DEMO board in 2008. I find it strange that the main chip on the DEMO board is marked "PPC5554MVRB132" either than "MPC5554...".

     The cook book has one of the project  which uses Fixed Interval Timer(FIT).The code works fine except that i can't detect voltage toggle on GPIO114(N3) with a Oscilloscope.when i try to add SIU_PCR114 to the variable window(i use ICDPPCNEXUS Debugger), i find it strange that the SIU_PCR114 register is missing but SIU_PCR113 and SIU_PCR115 is visible.

    So, i modifed the original code, change all GPIO114 to GPIO115. when i run the example again with SUB multilink, it's worked. i can detect voltage toggle on the GPIO115(M4).

    My question is how does this happened? is there any problem in my DEMO board? does the "PPC5554" have some defect? or anything else.

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2 返答(返信)

Specialist II

> I have bought a MPC5554DEMO board

You will find more people familiar with this board and chip in the MPC forum than the MCF (Coldfire) forum:

>  I find it strange that the main chip on the DEMO board is marked

 > "PPC5554MVRB132" either than "MPC5554...".

Read the Chip Data Sheet:

2 Ordering Information

Freescale Part Number [1]

Note 1 All devices are PPC5554, rather than MPC5554, until product qualifications are complete.

Read the Reference Manual to see if there's anything funny with GPIO114. It may be allocated for something on the development board, so you should check all the documentation and schematics for that as well. It may not be set as a GPIO pin (it may be allocated to the timer) and so the debugger may be suppressing that register for that reason.

> is there any problem in my DEMO board? does the "PPC5554" have some defect?

At least 66 items listed in the Chip Errata. have you read them? There doesn't seem to be anything there matching your problem though.




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Contributor I

Thank you for your valuable suggestions!

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