MCF52235 EVB flash disabled?

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MCF52235 EVB flash disabled?

Contributor II
I'm trying to get started using CW 6.3 to work with an MCF52235EVB via a P&E USB interface. I'm using the C stationery and the demo Hello World app. The RAM-loaded 'Console Debug' and 'UART Debug' versions of the demo are working fine; they download, run, and debug just as they should.

The 'Internal ROM' version that writes to the 256K flash, however, does not. It seems something is preventing it from writing to the flash memory, because every write fails to verify, or if verification is turned off it simply doesn't work.

Is there something I need to do to enable flash programming from CW? The 'Flash Programmer' tool provided seems to be able to erase and blank-check the flash OK, so I presume it can't be the hardware?

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Specialist I
From your description, with the target set to  INTERNAL_FLASH, do you click on the debug icon in the CW project window and expect the program to be loaded into Flash? The CW ColdFire tools do not work that way. Instead, you have to go to the Flash Programmer, and select the Program/Verify panel. Check the option, Use Selected File, and then navigate to your image file. Then click Program. If it programs successfully, then you can run the debugger.

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