Cannot get LED example .S19 to target over OSBDM USB link, Tower MCF52259 with CW 10.1 Special Edit

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Cannot get LED example .S19 to target over OSBDM USB link, Tower MCF52259 with CW 10.1 Special Edit

Contributor I

I've had somewhat of a rocky road trying to get started with my Tower system. I'm trying to run the first lab that blinks an LED on the board: "Hands-on Lab: Create a project with Processor Expert". I can not get the object code to download to my target board over the USB link. The target is the Tower MCF52259 board. I am using Windows Vista on my development machine.


That lab is from the following document: 1 - Tower, MQX, and CW10.pdf which has a creation date of 5/24/2010 8:43:43 AM (extracted from


Several of the steps in that lab differ from what I see in CW, but my guess is that those steps may be "obsolete" in this version of CW, such that it must not be necessary to do those because CW will pick up the info by default. For example, the few pages starting with pg. 67 regarding setting up the debug configuration can not be done because there is no "Debugger Options" tab with the label "ColdFire" as shown in the lab guide, nor are the options from that tab shown under any other tab. But based on the error message shown below, it appears that the debugger can find at least the target initialization file without my having explicitly specified it. So maybe it can also find the memory initialization file by looking in the default location in my workspace.


Following the step on page 71, I am trying to flash the .S19 file to the target over the Open Source BDM USB link (as was previously specified on page 49 of the lab), using "Program with Erase".


I get the following error messages when I try that operation:


fl::target -lc "LED3_MCF52259_Internal_Flash_PnE OSBDM"
fl::target -b 0x20000000 0xffff
fl::target -v off -l off -ie on -i "C:/Freescale/Workspace/LED3/Project_Settings/Debugger/MCF52259.cfg" -p MCF52259
cmdwin::fl::device -d "CFM_MCF5225X_512" -o "256Kx16x1" -a 0x0 0x7ffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\Freescale\\Workspace\\LED3\\MCF52259_Internal_Flash\\LED3.elf.S19" -t "Auto Detect" -re on -r 0x0 0x7ffff -oe off
cmdwin::fl::erase image
 Beginning Operation ...   
Auto-detection is successful.  
  File is of type Motorola S-Record Format.  
Initializing remote connection ...   
Performing target initialization ...   
Error:  Connect Failed.
Can't connect. The Debugger can not connect to the P&E BDC interface or targetted hardware board.(ColdFire GDI Protocol Adapter
Error: command failed


I have tried reducing the BDM CLOCK FREQ from 1,000,000 Hz to 500,000 Hz (and lower) and retrying as suggested in one forum post that I found, but with no success.


In the Windows Control Panel, Device Manager, I do see a Jungo WinDriver, version dated 9/2/2009 which might have been installed by CW.


Additional background: I had installed a pre-release version of CW 10 in 2010 after attending a Freescale training seminar in May, and had run into some CW license problems at that time which I never was able to fix, and I believe that I may have later tried to install the released 10.0 version of CW, but ran into license problems with that, too, so I put the Tower aside and moved on with other things. I was hoping that I could get back on track with the CW Special Edition, because I now have an embedded development project that might be ideal for a ColdFire target, and I'd like to move forward with it.


Before installing CW 10.1 Special Edition I had uninstalled any prior version of CW that I found on my system. During my first installation of the Special Edition the installation hung at the point where it was installing "segger" drivers. I aborted that installation and then did a new installation (to a different directory) which then completed successfully.


CW is installed under C:\Program Files. I did not install CW using "run as administrator".


So, any suggestions on how I can further diagnose or cure this problem?


I suppose that I could try installing CW on a completely different Vista machine, or uninstalling and reinstalling with "run as administrator", or maybe even installing under Linux. But my experience so far with the Tower system and with CW has been, to put it mildly, less than reassuring. I'm hoping that this is just some stupid startup problem that I will be able to get past and once that is done I can sail through the other labs. However with my current level of frustration, that Cortex M3 board sitting in its unopened carton on the other side of the room is suddenly beginning to look mighty attractive.


Help, please... 




Installed Products:

- CodeWarrior for MCU

Version: 10.1

Build Id:110204

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11 返答(返信)

Contributor I



I met similar problem with yours. I solved my problem and please try it. You have to change debug(or release depends to you) configuration and edit system as OSBDM-JM60 for Coldfire V2/3/4. You can figure out from attachemnt  (OSBDM_MQ).


I hope it is helpful

Best Regards

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to look into it.


I gave up on using the Tower system due to that problem, and so it might take me a while to get back up to speed with it.





0 件の賞賛

Contributor I



It seems just connection issue. You can meet on the future any board with any ide. I hope you can find the solution. If not let me now.


Best Regards.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

I have done a complete install of CW 10.1 Special Edition on a different Vista system.


I went through the blinking LED lab steps as before. I am getting the same error in the same part of the lab when I attempt to load flash memory on the Tower system over the USB link.


During installation, I got a message saying that the OSBDM USB driver installed correctly.


So I'm basically dead in the water with this...





0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

I installed the Evaluation Professional CW version 10.1


I am having the same problem described above.


The screens in this version also differ from some of the screens shown in Lab 1.


It appears that CW can not communicate with my Tower over USB. Does that mean that there's likely a hardware problem? How can I determine whether or not the CPU board is functioning properly? How can I determine whether it is instead a driver problem of some sort? Is there some other path or procedure for loading code onto the Tower system (other than using CW) that I might be able to rule out some types of problems?


Is there some kind of USB communications diagnostic routine that I can use with the board?









0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


CW for MCU10.1 uses the P&E OSBDM.


My experiences is that sometimes the USB drivers are not properly installed.

Here are the things I would check:

- if you plug in the board (mini-USB connector), then it should show up as

  - Jungo > WinDriver (Manufacturer: Jungo, Driver date 27.03.2007)

  - LibUSB-Wind32 Devices > 'OSBDM - Debug Port' (Manufacturer: Freescale, P&E Micro (, driver date: 07.01.2011), or if you put the OSBDM bootloader jumper on, then it should show

   LibUSB-Wind32 Devices > Open Source BDM - Bootloader port (Manufacturer: Freescale, P&E Micro (, driver date: 07.01.2011)


If this is not the case: you might need to uninstall/remove the previous drivers and install the ones from

C:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.1\Drivers\P&E\Drivers\osbdm


Next is to check the debugger settings:

in the launch configuration, check under the 'main' tab the 'Remote System' settings:

Connection shall be 'USB Multilink, Embedded OSBDM - USB Port' with an OSBDM port selected.


For logging purposes: enable the 'enable logging' in this tab too.





0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Thank you for your suggestions.


Unfortunately I'm not sure that I see anything that I can change (other than checking Enable Logging).


The Jungo Windriver that is installed is what was referenced above, namely 

in the Windows Control Panel, Device Manager, I do see a Jungo WinDriver, version dated 9/2/2009.


When I plug the USB cable to the board, the Device Manager screen refreshes, and then I see an additional device named LibUSB-Win32 Devices, and underneath that is Open Source BDM - Debug Port. The detail for that shows Driver Date: 1/7/2011 and Driver Version of, Manufacturer Freescale, P&E Micro (


So far, that appears to be similar to what you have noted.


You suggested, "in the launch configuration, check under the 'main' tab the 'Remote System' settings:

Connection shall be 'USB Multilink, Embedded OSBDM - USB Port' with an OSBDM port selected."


I clicked on the arrow next to the debug icon, selecte Debug Configurations..., and then from the Main tab I clicked the Edit button.


In the dialog box that popped up, I checked "Enable Logging". In that dialog it shows that the interface is USB Multilink, Embedded OSBDM - USB Port, and next to the Port prompt it shows USB1: Embedded OSBDM/OSJTAG Device (SER01).


I believe that is essentially what you have asked me to verify.


Still, when I try to flash the file to the target (and click Program with Erase), it cranks along for a while, but then the console shows: Info: Could not contact P&E Hardware Interface. Check Power and Connections


and it pops up the P&E Connection Assistant dialog. I click on retry, but that doesn't change anything.


If I look under the Problems tab, it says: Target Task Framework: Error executing task MCF522259_INTFLASH. Error: Connect Failed. Location: Unknown Type: Problem


I'm not sure whether there is some other log that I should be looking at for more detail.


Additional suggestions on how to tackle this would be appreciated.



0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

So yes, that looks ok from the USB drivers side.

What else comes to my mind: are you using the TWR-52259 card only (or with the elevator)?

I noticed that using the elevator (and only have the debug USB port plugged in) and with other cards in the tower the power consumption might be too high, and the USB connection might fail.

So I suggest that you try just the Tower card connected, of have the tower elevator board powered too.


The other thing: I have seen problems with some USB hubs: try to connect the tower debug port directly to your PC.


Otherwise: I'm running out of options. I suggest you log a service ticket.


Good luck!



0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

The MCF52259 card is mounted in the Tower along with the TWR-SER serial module.


The USB cable plugs directly into the port in the PC's motherboard.


So I'm pretty much stumped.


Maybe I can do some research on the P&E web site.


I don't know that I have "standing" to submit an official problem ticket because I'm just using the system for evaluation, but I will look into that too.


Thanks for your efforts to help.




0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

I'm having EXACTLY the same problem, but with the MCF51MM tower kit. Actually, its happening on two separate systems, too. We've got two identically-configured workstations and two tower kits, and they're both producing the same error message when we attempt to download a compiled project onto the board (via the USB cable):


Command Window Error


followed by


Download Failure


I'm dead in the water, too, at this point. Wasting a lot of time trying to get the toolchain to work and not enough time working on my application, unfortunately... Any ideas? Bueller?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

No luck solving this so far.


I requested help at the PE Micro forum, and just received some additional suggestions on how to try and solve this, but have not yet tried those yet (I hope to be able to work on it tomorrow).


Take a look at - maybe that will help you.





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