Browser Contents / Map file CWCF6.4

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Browser Contents / Map file CWCF6.4

Contributor I

I would like a map/cross reference file created when I compile my library project. It should contain all the information in the "Browser Contents" view (Classes, Constants, Enums, Functions, Globals, Macros, Templates, and Typedefs).

I have searched everywhere I know to look, including this forum, for information. I expected a "create map file" option; alternately, I tried to save or print the information from the browser view. This is an obvious thing to want; did I manage to overlook the obvious in missing how to get this?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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3 Replies

Contributor I
Please check the "Generate Link Map" checkbox in your project settings ColdFire Linker panel. This generates a link map (a text file that identifies definition files for each object and function of your output file) and activates the List Unused Objects and Show Transitive Closure checkboxes. A link map includes addresses of all objects and functions, a memory map of sections, and values of symbols the linker generates. A link map has the same filename as the output file, but with extension .xMAP and is located in the project folder together with your project generated .elf and S19 files.
You also have the option of disassembling an object file in the project window, right click on the library name > "Disassemble". If the output library file is not in your project window you can drag and drop it here, then perform the disassemble operation. 
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Contributor I
Thank you for your response. I use the "Generate Link Map" setting, and the .xMap files, but... I always thought the "Link Map", file was generated by the Linker. Anyway, when I compile me LIBRARY project, they aren't produced, even with the box checked. I want a symbol table for the library, but I also want a list of all the MACROS that are defined. I have a library of code that has several levels of dependencies for macro definitions, and would like an easy way to compare the settings across different variations of the project.

If I "View/Browser Contents", all the information I want is there, and more. My frustration is that I have found no way to "save Browser Contents" to file, or print them, or do anything to save them. I expected the ability to "spit these out" just like an xMap file, generated by the compiler.

I can create a dummy "application" target, turn off deadstripping, and use the xMap or an elf browser, but that still doesn't address the desire for a MACROS list, and it seems like a round - about way to get something that  should be readily available. Am I the only one that wants this?

Thanks again.

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Contributor I
Please ensure that a symbolics generation method has been selected in Build Extras project panel and check the "Dump internal browse information after compile". You can choose Compiler or Language Parser from the Generate Browser Data From menu. If you choose Compiler - the compiler generates browser data. If you enable Dump internal browse information after compile, the generated browser data appears in a log window after you compile a file.
If you still cannot find the information you need, please create a service request here and we could turn this into a feature request if it is the case.
Thank you.
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