I have developed an application using CW11.1 with a S08SH8 and everything was fine - it compiled and I could debug it using my Multilink FX. I have just made a minor software change. It complies without errors but I cannot debug it. I get the message: -
Application file not specified in the launch configuration
In the Debug Configuration dialogue the Application box is ticked and the file is FLASH/DEO_01_Issue_7F.abs.
However, no ---abs or ...abs.s19 file has been generated. Other applications in the workspace are OK.
Make sure that the file FLASH/DEO_01_Issue_7F.abs is present (check your build). Maybe it failed because of an error.
If your build produces a different output file name, then update your launch configuration to match that name.
I hope this helps,
Yes, the .abs and the .abs.args files are present and all files have the same name. Just to confirm, the build process completed without errors and displayed the following line in the console window: -
'Finished building target: DEO_01_Issue_7F.abs'
Are the files visible in the Project Explorer? If not, press F5 (Refresh) as Eclipse might not have refreshed the view with the changed disk content.
I hope this helps,
The s19 file is not present because it is not being generated. Referring back to my original problem, this is the message i get:
yet the application file is specified and it does have the correct name.
What I do not know is will the lack of a s19 file cause this error?
Am also facing the same isues
Hi Julian,
would it be possible to share your project which reproduces this?
Remove your (confidential, if any) source files. All what is needed is something to reproduce what you see.
Hi Erich,
"Cheer up, they said - things could be worse. So I cheered up and things got worse."
Before sending you my project I thought I would create a new project and see what happened. This time I got about 10 errors._
"Cannot find xxx.h" where xxx was a ProcessorExpert component. At this stage I thought that CW was gradually destroying itself. Then I tried to run an example project and got the original error.
I then uninstalled CW 10.7, rebooted Windows and reinstalled CW. After a bit of tidying up I now have everything working. I have not yet installed the 10.7 service pack and I may reinstall CW 11 (just to be safe).
Finally, thanks for your help.