I am using CodeWarrior Ide for programming and debugging .But I have a question in mind I can build the program and Also I can download the program to the MCU and the program can be debugged in the debug mode.But some program also contains Printf codes like below
printf ("\fStart time (MQX synchronized to RTC time during bsp init):\n\n");
But I can not see the printf value in my console while debugging ....
How can I see these printf strings in the codewarrior console.
Are they shown somewhere else.
you didn't mention what chip you work with, but i guess it is Kinetis, correct? without MQX, CW10 for kinetis can print string to console window. with MQX, the default printf output terminal is UART but not console. I was ever able to print to the console in MQX and CW10 by doing the following: To be able to output printf to the console you need to open the psp for your board, locate file "fio.h" under PSP include and comment out line 75: // #define printf _io_printf see pic. After this you need to recompile the psp project as well as the bsp The psp and bsp are located at: {MQX install folder}\mqx\build\cw10 Now recompile your project and the output should be to the Debugger console.
There is similar post for this question:
To use the console output on Eclipse, this feature must be enable on the project.
The best way is to create a sample project (without MQX).
By default the project includes 2 versions:
- RAM,
- Console_RAM.
Only the second will print the message on Eclipse Console component.
If you need more info. can you provide more details.
To do that you must:
Under CodeWarrior IDE (classic)
Start the IDE and click on Help | About Freescale CodeWarrior.
Click on Installed Products
Provide us all info displayed.
Or you can save them in a txt file.
Under Eclipse IDE
1- Start Eclipse and click on Help ¦ Freescale Licenses
The Status column gives the status of the license.
Under Product, select it and click on details.
A new dialog show up giving license details.
Provide us all info displayed
2- Start Eclipse and click on Help ¦ About CodeWarrior Development Studio
Under Installed Products, you will see the version used.
What is the processor ?