Code Warrior ignoring path separators

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Code Warrior ignoring path separators

431 次查看
Contributor I

I've been trying recently to compile an old project using Code Warrior Compiler:

Freescale C/C++ Compiler for Embedded PowerPC.

Copyright(C) 2010, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Version 4.3 build 224

Runtime Built: Feb 17 2012 08:27:49

An old one, I know :smileyhappy:.

I have a Makefile that we are calling via cygwin. It feeds mwcceppc.exe with files to compile. I am translating paths for Code Warrior to use double backslash '\\' instead of single slash '/' to match windows path separation standards. However, CW compiler is not able to find any files specified, it ignores path separators like that:

==== Compiling source\\app_layer\\foo.c module ====

### mwcceppc.exe Usage Error:
#   Specified file 'sourceapp_layerfoo.c' not found

I am wondering, if there is any parameter that modifies accepted path separators? Or if there is anything that could cause issues like that?

Here is what calling command looks like:

/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/FREESC~1/CWFORM~1.10/PowerPC_EABI_Tools/Command_Line_Tools/mwcceppc.exe -v -stderr -disassemble -v -c -nostdinc -i dbg\\headers -i- -i C:\\PROGRA

~2\\FREESC~1\\CWFORM~1.10\\PA_Support\\ewl\\EWL_Runtime\\Runtime_PA\\Include -i C:\\PROGRA~2\\FREESC~1\\CWFORM~1.10\\PA_Support\\ewl\\EWL_C\\include -DZ0H_CORE=1 -DVL



-D_lint=0 -DCAN_PORT=0 -DCAN_PRIO=0 -DCAN_CONTROLLER=0 -DCAN_PRIORITY=0 -Cpp_exceptions off -RTTI off -wchar_t off -requireprotos -lang c99 -char unsigned -enum min -

min_enum_size 2 -ppopt break -ppopt pragma -warn pragmas -warn possible -warn pedantic -warn nohidevirtual -warn implicit -warn impl_float2int -warn impl_signedunsign

ed -warn impl_int2float -warn ptrintconv -warn unusedvar -warn unusedarg -warn missingreturn -warn unusedexpr -warn extracomma -warn structclass -warn emptydecl -warn

 filecaps -warn sysfilecaps -warn nopadding -warn undefmacro -warn notinlined -warn noerror -func_align 16 -proc Zen -fp none -vector off -pooldata on -common on -use

_lmw_stmw on -volatileasm -use_isel on -vle -ppc_asm_to_vle -gdwarf-2  -opt level=1 -inline off -D_EWL_USE_INLINE=0 \

           -MMDfile dbg\\dep\\foo.d.tmp \

           -o dbg\\obj\\foo.o sources\\app_layer\\foo.c > dbg/lst/foo.lst

Thanks in advance,


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370 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You can use normal slash / in path with cygwin. Or what is the reason of replacing / with \\ ?


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