CW08 V3.1 HCS08 - preference file is read only or is currently in use

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CW08 V3.1 HCS08 - preference file is read only or is currently in use

Contributor I

   I'm trying to launch CodeWarrior V3.1 for HCS08 (on Microsoft Windows XP SP2), but upon application start, I get a modal dialog box stating:

  "The CodeWarrior preferences file is read only or is currently in use.  Program exiting. Please try again in a moment."

Trying again after a few minutes, or even rebooting the PC does not help.

Anyone has any clue as to how to resolve this problem ?
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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Is the CodeWarrior\bin folder readonly?
Check the
"CodeWarrior IDE 5.5 Prefs" (or "CodeWarrior IDE 5.9 Prefs" in later CW versions) in that folder.
If it exist, make sure it is not readonly. If the bin folder has to be readonly, delete it so it gets automatically created in a user specific folder (don't remember which one exactly, search for the file).
Also on the user folders, make sure it is not readonly, and if everything else does not help just delete it so a new default one gets created (you will loose all the ide configuration though).

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Specialist II
I'm running CW v4.5 HCS12X and get the same error. After getting the error you can only select "OK" and then CW shuts down.

If I'm logged in with administrator rights, everything runs great. Problem is, IT doesn't like to let just everybody have admin rights so it gets aggravating having to go around and "Run as different user" and login for them to get folks around the admin rights issue.

Any help with this would be a huge help. I personally think it has to do with Windows "security" more so than just with CW but I don't know how to work around it.

WinXP Pro SP2 running under a Win2k3 domain server for user login profiles/rights.


Message Edited by MWS on 2008-07-16 05:00 PM
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Specialist I
Is this the first time CW has been run on this machine, or did this problem suddenly appear? My scientific guess is to turn off the Windows Firewall and see if that's the culprit.


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