Analog To Digital Conversion

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Analog To Digital Conversion

1,164 次查看
Specialist II

Hello ,

I have tried analog input programming where the variable potentiometer  readings are converted into subsequent voltage levels. I am unable to retrieve the same on the simulator window.. what is wrong with the code? I am using an Evaluation board from Softech on code warrior version 5.0. I am looking forward for the correction of my code aand useful tips to understand and program the ADC of my controller..Here is the code,


#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xdp512"

void ATD_init(void);
void ATD_CONV(void);

unsigned long int voltage;
unsigned int pot_value, ix;

void main (void)

void ATD_init(void)
ATD1CTL2  = 0x80;  /*ATD power up enable*/
ATD1CTL3  = 0x20;  /*4 conversions per sequence; conversion in freeze mode*/
ATD1CTL4  = 0x00;  /*10-bit resolution;2 convrsn clk periods;prescalar divide by 2*/
ATD1CTL5  = 0xAA;  /*right justified;analaog channel 10, scan*/
void ATD_CONV(void)
  pot_value =  ATD1DR0;
 voltage   =  ((long)pot_value*5000)/1024;




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502 次查看
Specialist I

ATD1CTL5  = 0xAA;  /*right justified;analaog channel 10, scan*/

In comment I see channel 10. ATD1CTL5 Cx bits are also set to 10(0xA). I don't have EVB schematics, but please note that PAD10 pin is wired to ATD1 channel 2. If potentiometer is wired to PAD10, then you need to set Cx bits to 2.


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503 次查看
Specialist I

ATD1CTL5  = 0xAA;  /*right justified;analaog channel 10, scan*/

In comment I see channel 10. ATD1CTL5 Cx bits are also set to 10(0xA). I don't have EVB schematics, but please note that PAD10 pin is wired to ATD1 channel 2. If potentiometer is wired to PAD10, then you need to set Cx bits to 2.

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