How to uncheck the "Always Erase and Program flash without asking" box?

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How to uncheck the "Always Erase and Program flash without asking" box?

Contributor II

Hi all, I'm using MK10 series mcu.

And i made FlexNVM partition code. But question is that i divide FlexNVM into two area. One is Data flash and the other is EEPROM backup area. For dividing FlexNVM region, i need to debug in RAM region. After the dividing FlexNVM, i want to write in the FlexNVM.

When i re-debug after dividing the FlexNVM, all divided region are reset.

So, i found some options for protecting this problem. I want to uncheck this box.

How to do it?

This is one of debug configuration option.

p.s I think if i can uncheck the "Always Erase and Program flash without asking" box, the problem will be solved. Is it right?

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Eunseok Jung,

I think it is better that you use the "Non-Volatile Memory Preservation" option, this option allows you to preserve up to three independent ranges of non-volatile memory (on devices with EEPROM, the EEPROM array may optionally be preserved as well). Ranges that are designated as "preserved" are read before an erase, and reprogrammed immediately afterwards, thereby preserving the data in these ranges.


Please notice that you should check the "Preserve Partitioning for the Device" option if you want to preserve the EEPROM data.

Hope it helps!

Best Regards,

Carlos Mendoza

Technical Support Engineer


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Contributor II

Thank you Carlos.

I have question about this.

If the FlexNVM total row size is 100. And i want divide this memory region into two. One is Data flash and the other is EEPROM. The size of Data flash region that i want to divide is 10, and last of FlexNVM region is EEPROM.

In this case, First 'Preserve this Range' option(in your reply picture) is should be From 0 to 10. Is it right? And then, i don't need second 'Preserve this Range' option. Because, the last region is automatically concluded EEPROM region.

And one more question. How to check the Memory range as row value?

Could you give some examples?

Thanks your kind reply.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Eunseok Jung,

Yes, the daata flash region is the one you need to preserve using the "Non-Volatile Memory Preservation" option.

Regarding the examples, please take a look to the below application note, it discusses the usage of the FlexMemory as enhanced EEPROM:

Hope it helps!

Best Regards,

Carlos Mendoza

Technical Support Engineer


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