FRDM-KE06Z with Codewarrior 10.6

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FRDM-KE06Z with Codewarrior 10.6

Senior Contributor I

I have the FRDM-KE06Z, and I have succeeded in getting the debugger working through OpenSDA.  I was able to run a simple application and toggle the LED.  When I generate an S-record output and give it a .srec extension, I have tried programming it through the MSD programmer and through CodeWarrior, but no LED.  I also tried programming the lab_demo_frdm.srec from the KE06Z Quick Start Package, but it doesn't seem to do anything.  I have the PEMicro FRDM-KE06Z Mass Storage/Debug App Version 1.14 installed.  Is the lab_demo_frdm.srec the same demo which came loaded on the board?  Thanks!

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Senior Contributor I

I've narrowed it down, and I can use the MSD to write to the flash.  I can install the lab_demo_frdm.srec, and I was able to build the platinum project example to get the LED to blink.  A problem I'm still running into is if I create a new project from scratch, I can only run it over the debugger.  I can change the PC to __thumb_startup, and it will run successfully into main().  If I let it run out of flash, it seems to have problems when it reaches __init_semihost.  If I turn on the LED just before the call to that, it works.  If I try to turn on the LED after the call, it does not turn on.  Am I missing something?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello David:

I guess the problem is with the libraries. You are using one of the hosted options. Check the next thread for the same problem:

Re: MK10DX256VLK7 doesn't run standalone, just when debugging. Verified it's running from FLASH, not...

You need to select one for the libraries that do not end with "..hosted"

Hope this helps!

Jorge Gonzalez

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Senior Contributor I

Ah, I think that was the key.  I didn't realize that default option for the console I/O was the problem.  Thanks!

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David,

The lab_demo_frmd.srec is the same example which is loaded by default in your FRDM platform. If you have the Storage/Debug sda application then your device must appear as a MSD device in the windows explorer. If you want to download an s19/srec file you have to generate it in CodeWarrior (S-Record Generation with gcc for ARM/Kinetis | MCU on Eclipse), this s19 file has an extension .hex. If you want to download this in your device drag and drop it (.hex file) into the device (the MSD one).

You can try also to download again the .sda application. Enter your device in Bootloader mode and drag and drop the .sda application.

I hope this information can help you,



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Senior Contributor I

Thanks Adrian, I have tried updating the OpenSDA application again, and reconnected the USB cable. When I drag and drop the lab_demo_frdm.srec into the FRDM_KE06Z folder, it appears to copy, but nothing happens after that.  I can still run my application through the debugger.  Is there a way to verify the flash contents to see if it programmed?

Edit:  I was able to use the flash programmer from within CodeWarrior to reprogram the lab_dem_frdm.srec, and that is working again.

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