I have been tasked with replacing old(er) computers with new units and am trying to transfer the Codewarrior IDE (3.1) from a computer running Windows Vista to one using Windows 10 (a big jump, I am aware). Is this possible or do I need to download a newer version on the new computer?
Thank you,
CodeWarrior 3.1 is a very old version. It can not work on win10.
what's your chip part number? please let me know thus I will recommend you a new version.
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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Hi Jennie,
It is an MC9S08GB60.
Hi NIck,.
You use HCS08 MCU, thus to work on win10, thus only CW version is CW10. Please download latest CW10.7 from this url
CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers-Eclipse IDE|NXP
CW3.1 project can not be opened with CW10, please read this article as referral of how to import.
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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I will definitely try this out.
Thank you much!
You are welcome!
Best Regards,
Jennie Zhang
Hi again Jennie,
Thanks again so much for this reference.
I was now wondering if, to your knowledge, there were any standalone programming applications out there that could be used instead of the one built into CWv10.7.
I only ask because the company that I work for only used CW3.1 as a means to program certain units that we manufacture, not to actually develop code. The same applies to 10.7 in that we are only looking for something to program with.
Do you know of anything that could be used in this situation?
Hi Nick
I was just back from my vacations.
regarding to your questions, NXP doesn't have HCS08 standalone programmer but P&E has.
PROGHCS08 68HCS08 Flash/EEPROM Programmer Software :
for mass production in plant, CYCLONE In-Circuit Production Flash Programmers is recommended.
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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