I am using CW_ARMv8 v11.2.0 running in Ubuntu 14.04. The FLASH programmer does not list any FLASH devices. None in the drop-down list either. How do I fix this?
Is this a custom board or just our LS1043ARDB ?
Being a custom board is very possible that our flash programmer support to not fit your hw settings.
Thank you,
Are you using the same python initialization script as for LS1043ARDB and using the Connect flow as I depicted above? There are 2 possible reasons for not showing the flash devices in GUI:
1. If you're using different flash devices added via monitor commands that are not supported by us. See bellow:
2. If the monitor commands are not correctly used.
If you're using a different initialization file can you please share with us?
To have a clear conclusion (maybe there is a glitch in the FP GUI), please make a try also with the flash programmer support from gdb cmd line. Take a look in the chapter 7 (Flash Programmer) from Targeting Manual -> CW_ARMv8\ARMv8\Help\PDF to see how to use it. Is pretty simple (just make sure to terminate the connection from CW eclipse).
Fixed. The problem was traced back to the incorrect gdb being used to try to connect. Once I set the preferences to point to the /opt/Freescale/CW4NET_v2016.01/CW_ARMv8/ARMv8/gdb/bin/aarch64-fsl-gdb.bin as the gdb executable and used the "connect" icon the FLASH device appeared.
Ok, thanks for sharing the information. The problem is related to [1], right?
[1] https://community.freescale.com/message/610425?et=watches.email.thread#610425
Also, will help, if you can show me the output of the command
fl_info -d
from the gdb console (you can try it from CW eclipse or from gdb external cmd_line).
Thank you,
One more thing, please make sure you used the Connect button and not the Inspect one. Only on the Connect phase the board initialization is made (DDR, OCRAM, Flash Programmer settings and so on).
Thank you,