What does HotSync do?

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What does HotSync do?

3,675 次查看
Contributor I
This may be a silly question. But I have not figured out what HotSync is for? It seems I always have to use Connect(Reset) to download the modifed code to my board to run. The HotSync can down load the code to the source window of the simulator. But when I click run, it runs my previous code. How can I make use of HotSync? Thanks.
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6 回复数

661 次查看
Contributor I
Hi CrasyCat,
Now I understand the usage of the hotsync. Thank you very much for the help.
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661 次查看
Contributor I
So, this is a kind of "upload" button, though I thought the uploading was automatic when I was running the debugger.Could you give me an example illustrating the usage of HotSync?.
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661 次查看
Specialist III
Suppose your application is running stand alone on heath board.
Then it crashes or does not run correctly any more.
If you connect to the board using Hotsync, you do not change anything on the board itself (no code reloaded, no data or register initialized, ...).
Using Hotsync you can connect to the board stop the application (if needed)and look at the value of the various registers, memory and global variables at that specific moment and figure out what is wrong on your run time environment.
If you connect to the board using debug command, the debugger will
  - re-program the flash
  - re-initialize the PC to its initial value
  - run code till main function is reached.
So whole run time environment for the application gets lost. 
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661 次查看
Contributor I
My CPU is MC9S08QE128CLK.
My CW version is 5.9.0, build 2404.
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660 次查看
Specialist III
According to the "Debugger_HC08.pdf" manual, the Hotsync button allows the user to connect to an already running target.
Hotsync can be used with real target only and allows you to connect to an already running application.
Idea it to attach to a running application and look at the environment at that point (global variables, memory, ...).
When you are using HotSync only the debug information are loaded into the debugger. Application code remains unchanged.
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661 次查看
Specialist III
- Which CPU are you targeting (HC08, HC12, Coldfire, ..)
- Which version of CodeWarrior are you using?
To retrieve that info:
- Start CodeWarrior
- Select Help -> About Freescale CodeWarrior
- Click on "Install Products"
- CodeWarrior version used is displayed on top in the Installed Products dialog.
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