When a macro is conditionally compiled and the file holding the declaration is not open, the right-click-and-Go-to-macro-declaration feature works correctly. If the file holding the macro is already open, the IDE chooses the last declaration in the file instead of the correct one. This is with the "Generate Browser Data From Compiler" option selected.
In my project, the compile switches are defined in a file set on a path unique to each target.
Here's an example:
/* active high relay control on port E */
#if(LocalRelayDrive == 1)
#define SetLocalRelayOn PTED |= 1
#define SetLocalRelayOff PTED &= ~0X01
#define GetLocalRelayStatus (PTED & 1)
/* active low relay control on port E */
#elif(LocalRelayDrive == 0)
#define SetLocalRelayOff PTED |= 1
#define SetLocalRelayOn PTED &= ~0X01
#define GetLocalRelayStatus (!(PTED & 1))
/* multiple relay control on port B */
#elif(LocalRelayDrive == 3)
#define ShutdownRelayOff PTBD |= (1<<2) // brown, shutdown
#define ShutdownRelayOn PTBD &= ~(1<<2)
#define SetLocalRelayOff PTBD &= ~(1<<1) // gray, short = setback
#define SetLocalRelayOn PTBD |= (1<<1) // open = occupied
Rod Bristol