I'm rookie in this world of ZigBee. I want to use as example the "Ex05", "My Wireless App", code that freescale furnishes like example of communication between one coordinator and a device, through the hyperterminal, isn't it?
I want to use the function "App_TransmitUartData" but instead of send a input message, through the serial port, I want to send a fix character...
"pPacket->msgData.dataReq.msdu[0] = 'h';"
and I use the primitive "NR MSG_Send(NWK_MCPS, pPacket);" to put into the NWK_MCPS_queue the request but, doesn't work...I saw that nothing going into the NWK_MCPS_queue ( I debugged and saw that when I use the original App_TransmitUartData function, the packet goes into...) what is the problem?
and what means the "NR" ?, I only see these instruction in the example, and if I cancel these instruction the original code has problems. I've seen in the Reference Manual that only I need to put MSG_Send, I'm going to post the complete code.
thank you in advance,
void App_TransmitInfo(void)
pPacket = MSG_Alloc(sizeof(nwkToMcpsMessage_t) - 1 + DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH);
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.msdu[0] = 'h';
pPacket->msgType = gMcpsDataReq_c;
/* Create the header using coordinator information gained during
the scan procedure. Also use the short address we were assigned
by the coordinator during association. */
memcpy(pPacket->msgData.dataReq.dstAddr, coordInfo.coordAddress, 8);
memcpy(pPacket->msgData.dataReq.srcAddr, myAddress, 8);
memcpy(pPacket->msgData.dataReq.dstPanId, coordInfo.coordPanId, 2);
memcpy(pPacket->msgData.dataReq.srcPanId, coordInfo.coordPanId, 2);
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.dstAddrMode = coordInfo.coordAddrMode;
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.srcAddrMode = myAddrMode;
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.msduLength = msduLength;
/* Request MAC level acknowledgement of the data packet */
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.txOptions = gTxOptsAck_c;
/* Give the data packet a handle. The handle is
returned in the MCPS-Data Confirm message. */
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.msduHandle = msduHandle++;
/* Send the Data Request to the MCPS */
NR MSG_Send(NWK_MCPS, pPacket);
//MSG_Send(NWK_MCPS, pPacket);
/* Prepare for another data buffer */
pPacket = NULL;
pPacket->msgData.dataReq.msdu[0] = 'h';
static uint8_t dataBuffer[mDefaultValueOfDataLen_c];dataBuffer[0] = 'h';mpPacket->msgData.dataReq.pMsdu = (uint8_t *)(&(dataBuffer));