Problems programming the 68HC705B16N

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Problems programming the 68HC705B16N

Contributor I

Hello All,

Newcomer here needing help with 68HC705B16N. I am reviving an electric van made by Chrysler in the early 90s. Long story short: motor speed and regenerative braking is managed by a HC05 controller. Unit has 68HC705B16 socketed and program appears to be functioning properly but one of the IO pins is stuck at 1.6V. There's no source code available that I could find but I was able to build a programmer board and read out the eprom contents. Now I'm trying to use the PRO7B16N.EXE that I down loaded from freescale to program the new replacement 68HC705B16N. I have manually prepared an S-record file for programming the part. The pro7B16.exe communicates with the target part and I can read back various memory locatons. However, when I try to write to eprom, the s-record file name that I enter will not be read. The error message returned is:
"Cannot open file" . I've tried all the obvious stuff like using full path names to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. I'm so close to getting this vehicle back on the road. Any ideas?
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Senior Contributor II
A stab in the dark:

I used to use those old programming routines on the HC05s, and they were DOS based. That meant there were a number of restrictions:

No file name or directory name could be more than 8 characters.
No network names were recognized.
The total path was limited in size, but I don't remember to what.

What I use to do when I switched to Win95 was to output the .S19 file to the root directory, and access it by using "C:/filename.s19".
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Specialist III

Hello Dave,

Another alternative to Rocco's method is to set the S19 file directory as the current directory, and to start the utility using its full path name - e.g. the command line might be similar to C:\...\PRO7B16N filename.S19.  Then it shouldn't matter how complex the path to the S19 file.




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Contributor I

Hi people!

Could anyone send me the wiring diagram for read the firmware from the MCU?

I'm using pro7b16n.exe and i try to use the version of schematic "RAM load and execute schematic diagram" at page F-17 on HC05 Technical Data but i can't read anything.

Thanks a lot.


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