just a simple question : how to trim PA16 internal clock by copying trim value to ICS_C3 if there is no non-volatile location
where this value could be stored after flash programming (at least I cannot find anything of this kind). In GB/GT/SH datasheets
it was so clearly explained..
In other words where is this enigmatic "factory reserved location" where theoretically the trim value is stored ?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Jacek,
The location is 0xFF6FU. You can use this code to trim PA16 internal clock.
if (*(uint8_t*)0xFF6FU != 0xFFU) { /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
ICS_C3 = *(uint8_t*)0xFF6FU; /* Initialize ICS_C3 register from a non volatile memory */
ICS_C4 = (uint8_t)((*(uint8_t*)0xFF6EU) & (uint8_t)0x01U); /* Initialize ICS_C4 register from a non volatile memory */
And the same can be checked in_EntryPoint( ) by generating a code through Processor Expert. In this basic CPU initialization (WDOG disable and trimming) is done.
Thanks and Regards
Arpita Agarwal
Hi Arpita,
thanks a lot for that info. ! Ok, clear but why it is not mentioned in Freescale manual ? Looking deeply into P&E algorithm I see that this address was used to store actual trim value.
So if these both locations ($FF6E:F) are still in use so where is the end of user flash to avoid corruption with stored parameters ? Datasheet shows that $FFAF is the end but inside
there are some reserved locations...
Best regards